Our Blog

The Royal Interview

The Royal Interview

 |  Mar 10, 2021

Perhaps the most talked about interview in recent days was the sit-down with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Oprah. I have been intrigued by the Royal Family for as long as I can remember.  My dad and I stayed up all night to watch Diana marry Charles.  I was glued to the television […]

Sometimes You Have to Forget the Script

Sometimes You Have to Forget the Script

 |  Mar 3, 2021

In May, I purchased a new air conditioning unit.  The company I purchased it from offered one-year, same-as-cash financing.  I arranged for the financing, had the unit installed and set-up automatic payments. About two months later, I got a notification that an American Express account could not be opened because my identity couldn’t be verified.  […]

Using Inclusive Language for All Marginalized Communities

Using Inclusive Language for All Marginalized Communities

 |  Feb 23, 2021

As communication professionals, we are responsible for keeping up to date on inclusive language. But what exactly does inclusive language entail? PR Daily notes that “language that isn’t inclusive can feel harmless, or even have strong historic ties” for certain gender identities and ethnic backgrounds. Abbie suggests that using inclusive language can go further and […]

Has New Business Development Changed?

Has New Business Development Changed?

 |  Feb 18, 2021

So much about the workplace has changed because of the pandemic.  Work-from-home has become the norm, more and more meetings are taking place virtually using a variety of different platforms and we’ve been challenged to find ways to network. And for those of us that work with clients, the biggest change has been in how […]

Press Freedom Must Ring

Press Freedom Must Ring

 |  Feb 16, 2021

Transparency in government is more important now than ever.  And it’s not just at the national level.  It’s not a new topic for us, as demonstrated here, and here. HMA Public Relations has worked as a government contractor for city, county, state and tribal governments for decades.  Our team knows from the onset that everything […]

What the Flack?

What the Flack?

 |  Feb 11, 2021

The PR community is all a-flutter about Flack, currently running on Amazon Prime.  The show focuses on Robyn, an American publicist working for a cutthroat London PR company that represents troubled celebrities.  And while she’s helping cover-up her clients’, shall we say, “misdeeds,” she is doing drugs, drinking and sleeping with her clients. Don’t get […]

The Underdog of the Super Bowl

The Underdog of the Super Bowl

 |  Feb 9, 2021

The Super Bowl is so much more than just football. For some, the commercials are the reason to tune in each year. And these spots are  among the most expensive advertisements. Due to the pandemic, many brands opted not to spend advertising dollars on this year’s Super Bowl. Some, like Miller Lite, used social media […]

Digital Marketing in the Age of a Pandemic

Digital Marketing in the Age of a Pandemic

 |  Feb 4, 2021

When the pandemic first began, many radio and TV advertisements sounded insincere to the current times of wearing masks and social distancing. Marketers scrambled to update campaigns with new and innovative ways to reach their consumer. With COVID-19 concerns still prevalent, Iterable released its outlook at the most anticipated digital marketing tactics for 2021 which […]

A Sponsorship of Super Bowl Proportions

A Sponsorship of Super Bowl Proportions

 |  Feb 3, 2021

Sponsorships and using celebrity endorsers can often be an iffy proposition. But when it’s right – it can really be right. Using a “fake” person can take the chance of any embarrassing missteps out of the conversation. The fictitious name “Jake from State Farm” has been engrained in our brains since 2011 when “Jake” first […]

#WhatisWednesday – What is Social Listening?

#WhatisWednesday – What is Social Listening?

 |  Jan 27, 2021

We often hear people emphasize how important it is to listen to understand instead of listening to reply. Not only is this effective for our day-to-day conversations, but it is a practice that PR agencies use to observe the conversations that are being had about their clients and their client’s industries. According to Sprout Social, […]

Today We Welcome a New President – It is Inauguration Day

Today We Welcome a New President – It is Inauguration Day

 |  Jan 20, 2021

At around 10 a.m. local time, Joe R. Biden, Jr. will be sworn in as President by the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court by citing the 35-word oath of office. To recognize this time-honored tradition, here are a few facts about this historical day: Prior to 1933, the Constitution of the United […]

Why would the NFL choose to be on NICK?

Why would the NFL choose to be on NICK?

 |  Jan 19, 2021

The National Football League recently made some lemonade out of lemons when it broadcast one of its Wild Card playoff games on Nickelodeon. It was an unusual platform for a pro football game – but a brilliant move.  How better to teach the next generation of football fans than on their own network and in […]

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