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A Seniors’ View of the Newsroom

A Seniors’ View of the Newsroom

 |  June 15, 2016

I was having dinner with my folks over the weekend and casually asked them what they had planned for the week. I was fully expecting the answer to be “going to BINGO or playing Mah Jong,” which has become the norm of late. They are very involved at their senior center so the weeks are filled with lots of activities. But I didn’t expect them to say “going on a tour at Channel 12.” What!?! I’ve been to the station dozens of times, but I’ve never had a tour. So what else could I do but ask my dad to a pen a blog post on the experience. So here’s Larry’s view of the newsroom.

Brand Loyalty – And They Call It #PuppyLove

Brand Loyalty – And They Call It #PuppyLove

 |  Jan 14, 2016

I can go on and on for days about my complete and total love of all things Donny Osmond. For those of you who know me that wouldn’t come as a surprise.  After all, this has been going on since the days when he graced the covers of Tiger Beat magazine. My first opportunity to […]

Creating An Innovative and Authentic Workplace

Creating An Innovative and Authentic Workplace

 |  Oct 27, 2015

I had the pleasure of presenting to the North Carolina PRSA chapter during its annual workshop in Raleigh last week. I was thrilled to be on the agenda — not only to share my thoughts on workplace culture — but it gave me a great reason to visit with my friends in the area. No […]

What is it about Libras and communicators?

What is it about Libras and communicators?

 |  Oct 3, 2013

Thanks to Facebook, we get a daily reminder of our friends’ upcoming birthdays. When I glanced at the list late last week I realized I have quite a few friends in the communications industries whose birthdays fall under the Libra astrological sign (including three of us here at HMA). I wonder what it is about […]

When Sports Players “Meltdown”

When Sports Players “Meltdown”

 |  Jan 23, 2013

I was watching the Australian Open last night and I all I can say is that I am highly disappointed. In what started out as a great match between Serena Williams and Sloane Stephens quickly turned into something that Serena should be ashamed of. Being a “tennis player” myself I can understand the frustration and […]


Abbie in ESPN, Alison in Hysterics

 |  Jan 8, 2013

Yesterday, two things happened – neither of which I thought would happen in a million years. First – my Notre Dame Fighting Irish made it to the BCS Title Game, less than two years before the silly system goes away in favor of a playoff system. While so excited for the appearance and undefeated regular […]

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