A Seniors’ View of the Newsroom

Books on set 4I was having dinner with my folks over the weekend and casually asked them what they had planned for the week. I was fully expecting the answer to be “going to BINGO  or playing Mah Jong,” which has become the norm of late.  They are very involved at their senior center so the weeks are filled with lots of activities.  But I didn’t expect them to say “going on a tour at Channel 12.”  What!?!  I’ve been to the station dozens of times, but I’ve never had a tour.  So what else could I do but ask my dad to a pen a blog post on the experience.
So here’s Larry’s view of the newsroom.
A question seems to be asked often, “What do you do when you retire to fill up your days?”  For me and many others, the answer is joining a senior center, volunteering, and taking part in the various activities offered.
This week, a group of seniors, 16 in total, were bused to Channel 12 News in downtown Phoenix for a tour of the facilities.  Our tour guide Emily greeted us right on time and after introductions our tour began.
Our first stop was in the main studio on the kitchen set.  Emily explained that the only permanent pieces in the kitchen were the cooktop, microwave and refrigerator.  Because the kitchen had no running water, dishes and silverware were not available. When demonstrations were aired, the chefs or cooks bring their own utensils.  The food prep is done at the chef’s location, and the meal is demonstrated in three stages.  The ingredients, the complete recipe before being cooked or baked, and finally the baked meal would be removed from oven.
The studio had a demonstration area opposite of the kitchen, as well as a library, none of the furniture was permanent there either, thereby offering  flexibility and room for the remote-controlled camera to move around.
Next we were shown where the newscast was aired.  On TV everything appeared larger than the actual size.  Because there was no live broadcast at the time of our tour the area was empty except for a few technicians.
Our last stop was the production area where every program, whether produced here or nationally, is controlled.  Producers, directors, and techs work diligently throughout day for our enjoyment.  Many of the programs are nationally broadcast but monitoring the broadcasts is still an important function locally.  When local programming is broadcast these folks work to make our viewing as perfect as possible
For our group, the tour was exceptional experience.  Emily, our guide has been an employee at 12 News for five years and her position is Events and Communication.  She answered all our questions, was very enthusiastic, and certainly knew her job.  Thanks to Emily and 12 News for a great morning.
And that is what senior citizens do!

Written by
at Jun 15, 2016

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