Our Blog

T-Swift Takes a Stand

T-Swift Takes a Stand

 |  Aug 16, 2017

Maddie gives us an update on the Taylor Swift lawsuit, emphasizing the importance of sticking up for yourself and practicing what you preach. [Click below for more]

Game of Thrones Grammar Lesson

Game of Thrones Grammar Lesson

 |  Aug 15, 2017

The best recurring joke in the hit series, Game of Thrones, is about grammar - go figure! And Alison, self-proclaimed GOT and grammar nerd, couldn't be more tickled by this. [Click below for more]

HMA Public Relations – Soaring to New Heights

HMA Public Relations – Soaring to New Heights

 |  Aug 9, 2017

The team at HMA Public Relations went indoor skydiving last week at iFLY Phoenix! We all survived and have lived to tell the tale! [Click below for more]

Please Record and Photograph

Please Record and Photograph

 |  July 25, 2017

How many concerts and other live performances have you been to where before anything happens, the audience is informed that under no circumstances are any recordings or photographs of the entertainers permitted?  Almost EVERY one. Take a look at Scott's experience with a celebrity cruise line bending this time-honored rule.

Farewell Friday

Farewell Friday

 |  July 21, 2017

Today marks a bittersweet last day for one of our account coordinators, Sara Goodwin. Here, Sara shares the most important things she's learned at HMA. [Click below for more]

It Really is the Small Things That Count

It Really is the Small Things That Count

 |  June 30, 2017

Abbie just returned from a 12-day Hawaiian vacation for #SandyFest50 (her sister's 50th birthday celebration), and she left with many memories. [Click below for more]

Public Relations for The Greatest Athlete of All Time

Public Relations for The Greatest Athlete of All Time

 |  June 29, 2017

As an avid tennis player (and spectator), Rachel has some PR advice for the world of tennis...especially when it comes to the greatest athlete. [Click below for more]

Face Of The Franchise

Face Of The Franchise

 |  June 20, 2017

The beloved Arizona Coyotes captain, Shane Doan, is hanging up his skates after 21 seasons, albeit not voluntarily. But, as history has proven time and time again, this is not the end of his NHL legacy. [Click below for more]

The Sport Of Spelling

The Sport Of Spelling

 |  June 14, 2017

Who considers spelling a sport? Well, the 90th Scripps National Spelling Bee was broadcasted on ESPN, so it might have to be added to that category. [Click below for more]

Return On Your Investment

Return On Your Investment

 |  June 13, 2017

How do you or your business go about measuring success? Abbie talks about what she learned at Counselors Academy in today's blog post. [Click below for more]

#MediaMonday – Jeana Shepard

#MediaMonday – Jeana Shepard

 |  June 12, 2017

This week's #MediaMonday is a little bit different--Bre interviewed Jeana and it was filmed. So instead of reading her profile, you get to watch and listen! [Click below for more]

The Candy Bar Personality Test

The Candy Bar Personality Test

 |  May 31, 2017

Who doesn't like to take a personality test? And when it tells you what type of candy you are, what could be more fun?! Are you sweet or are you sour? [Click below for more]

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