Our Blog

Food, Travel and Fireworks: Exactly how do Americans celebrate the Fourth of July?

Food, Travel and Fireworks: Exactly how do Americans celebrate the Fourth of July?

 |  July 3, 2018

Break out the hot dogs and cue the fireworks! Wednesday, July 4, 2018, marks our great nation’s 242nd birthday. So how do we, the great people, choose to celebrate? Below are a few fun facts plus some helpful reminders: FOOD & DRINK 150 million hot dogs are consumed on Independence Day. 190 million pounds of […]

What’s Cooking?

What’s Cooking?

 |  June 28, 2018

This summer, I have finally decided to stop calling myself a “terrible cook” and officially try this food-making thing. How could I be terrible if I have never really tried it? Both my grandma and my mother have always had a culinary interest and they have always tried to spark my curiosity in cooking, too. […]

What I Learned From This Year’s Graduates

What I Learned From This Year’s Graduates

 |  June 8, 2018

Graduations are definitely something to celebrate! Check out today's blog post about a one-of-a-kind high school graduation speech.

Walk-ins Are Welcome

Walk-ins Are Welcome

 |  June 6, 2018

I was sitting at my kitchen table with my laptop and brand new college degree when it finally dawned on me. Why am I allowing this new world of online applications determine my future? Why has this digital process become the new normal? Who is even looking at my resume and application? Now don’t get […]

In Honor of Memorial Day

In Honor of Memorial Day

 |  May 25, 2018

Memorial Day is a solemn day of remembrance for everyone who has died serving in the American armed forces. We here at HMA Public Relations cannot thank you enough for your courage and sacrifice.

How To Celebrate Birthdays

How To Celebrate Birthdays

 |  Apr 17, 2018

Everyone celebrates birthdays a little differently. Read further to see what HMA Public Relations has done in the past to celebrate our birthdays!

How Prescription Drugs Are Introduced

How Prescription Drugs Are Introduced

 |  Apr 3, 2018

HMA Public Relations has participated in a number of pharmaceutical drug introductions over the years.  One of the strategies then – and now – is to create a demand for the supply.

There is a Day for Everything

There is a Day for Everything

 |  Mar 28, 2018

One of the ways our team finds news hooks to connect story pitches to is to do a search for the various holidays that occur each month. Here are today's!

Freedom of Information is More Relevant Than Ever

Freedom of Information is More Relevant Than Ever

 |  Mar 16, 2018

Today, March 16, is Freedom of Information Day. This day is an annual event held during Sunshine Week and celebrates the birthday of President James Madison. 

Poor Sportsmanship Has No Place

Poor Sportsmanship Has No Place

 |  Feb 21, 2018

Verbal abuse is not typically permitted in a professional setting so why is it okay at sporting events? Scott explores sportsmanship in today's blog post.

Why Should You Hire a Public Relations Agency

Why Should You Hire a Public Relations Agency

 |  Feb 7, 2018

We've hit on the "what is" when discussing public relations but we haven't written much on the reasons "why" a business should hire a PR agency until today. [Click below for more]

What Are Ceremonial Special Events?

What Are Ceremonial Special Events?

 |  Jan 16, 2018

We often seek co-promotional opportunities for our clients, similar to how Arizona athletes show support for other teams by participating in special events. [Click below for more]

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