Our Blog

There is a Day for Everything

There is a Day for Everything

 |  Mar 28, 2018

One of the ways our team finds news hooks to connect story pitches to is to do a search for the various holidays that occur each month. Here are today's!

Freedom of Information is More Relevant Than Ever

Freedom of Information is More Relevant Than Ever

 |  Mar 16, 2018

Today, March 16, is Freedom of Information Day. This day is an annual event held during Sunshine Week and celebrates the birthday of President James Madison. 

Poor Sportsmanship Has No Place

Poor Sportsmanship Has No Place

 |  Feb 21, 2018

Verbal abuse is not typically permitted in a professional setting so why is it okay at sporting events? Scott explores sportsmanship in today's blog post.

Why Should You Hire a Public Relations Agency

Why Should You Hire a Public Relations Agency

 |  Feb 7, 2018

We've hit on the "what is" when discussing public relations but we haven't written much on the reasons "why" a business should hire a PR agency until today. [Click below for more]

What Are Ceremonial Special Events?

What Are Ceremonial Special Events?

 |  Jan 16, 2018

We often seek co-promotional opportunities for our clients, similar to how Arizona athletes show support for other teams by participating in special events. [Click below for more]

How to Create a Signature Event

How to Create a Signature Event

 |  Jan 2, 2018

Creating a signature event that eventually becomes a tradition is no small feat.  We in the PR industry, and those who provide tourism public relations, often work with our clients to come up with something unique, memorable and client-specific to help them stand-out.  Also part of that conversation is how NOT to stage a boring, […]

What’s On Your Voicemail?

What’s On Your Voicemail?

 |  Dec 20, 2017

What's on your voicemail? In Scott Hanson's case, it's a special birthday shout out to people who are famous to him. And it changes every day! [Click below for more]



 |  Nov 28, 2017

Today is #GivingTuesday, a 24-hour event that kicks off the charitable season. Take a look at the Arizona nonprofits participating and join the movement! [Click below for more]

In an Internet Minute

In an Internet Minute

 |  Nov 16, 2017

There are thousands of things that take place during an internet minute. What exactly? Abbie shares an infographic that breaks it down for you. [Click below for more]

Back to the Future?

Back to the Future?

 |  Oct 31, 2017

As Star Trek sometimes did, The Orville delights in making thinly veiled social commentary via its plotlines. Last week’s episode hit especially home for me – and should for anyone working in digital communications, or perhaps even politics.

No (Communications) Excuses

No (Communications) Excuses

 |  Oct 17, 2017

The advice Alison learned from Gloria Feldt at a women's leadership event last week is also good advice for people who are building their brands. [Click below for more]

#BookClub – Walking to Destiny

#BookClub – Walking to Destiny

 |  Oct 11, 2017

Scott recently attended the 2017 Arizona Owners Forum, hosted by the Arizona Owners Forum Council in conjunction with the Exit Planning Institute (EPI). Chris Snider, EPI’s founder and author of Walking to Destiny, a book about preparing businesses for acquisition, was the keynote speaker.

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