There is a Day for Everything

HolidaysOne of the ways our team finds news hooks to connect story pitches to is to do a search for the various holidays that occur each month.  I’m not talking about the major holidays, but the ones that are tied to a cause, issue or industry.
I was online yesterday and knowing that I had a blog post due today, I clicked around to find out what March 28th holidays exist.  Here are just a few that I was able to locate:

Be sure to add these holidays to your calendar

  • National Something on a Stick Day – celebrating anything you can put on a stick.
  • Weed Appreciation Day – now I suppose this could have multiple meanings, but the site I found says it is to honor those pesky things that take over your lawn or garden.
  • Children’s Picture Book Day – my favorite is Goodnight Moon. Here’s a great list.
  • Eat an Eskimo Pie Day ( see Something on a Stick)
  • Black Forest Cake Appreciation Day (big day for eating)
  • Little Red Wagon Day (to haul all the food perhaps?)
  • Manatee Appreciation Day (who doesn’t appreciate a manatee?)

I’m not sure that we have any clients that can take advantage of any of these, but it did serve as a good blog-spiration for this post.

Written by
at Mar 28, 2018

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