Our Blog

What is your Inspiration?

What is your Inspiration?

 |  Nov 13, 2019

How do you get inspired? Autumn noticed she has a routine to get to her “aha!” moment. Check out some of her tricks to find inspiration.

Agency Pros Offer Advice to Young Professionals

Agency Pros Offer Advice to Young Professionals

 |  Sep 11, 2019

At the latest meeting for the PRSA Phoenix New Pros Mentorship Program, Annelise heard from a panel of mid-career PR agency professionals. Find out what advice they offered young PR pros.

Brands and Politics Part Two

Brands and Politics Part Two

 |  Aug 14, 2019

As I did my usual stalking of PR Daily, the HMA blog, social media and the PRGN blog, I came across a similar topic on each one, brands and politics. Abbie tackled this topic a little over a year ago, but with recent events I thought it was just as relevant today. Last week, we […]

What is a contact report?

What is a contact report?

 |  Aug 6, 2019

Alison shares her PR expertise by taking us through the PR Toolbox, this time explaining the contact report.

Time Marches On

Time Marches On

 |  July 10, 2019

Scott prides himself on promptness, but Father Time has not been on his side lately. Read more about his recent battles with the clock.

Welcome to HMA

Welcome to HMA

 |  June 28, 2019

Hi everyone! I’m Autumn Jarrett and I am excited to be joining HMA as an account coordinator. I recently graduated from Arizona State University. This makes this opportunity extra special to be able to join fellow Cronkite alumnae, Abbie and Alison along with the rest of the team. To help you get to know me […]

Walk-up Music

Walk-up Music

 |  June 27, 2019

PR is all about connecting with people, and one way MLB players connect with their fans is through walk-up music. Check out our walk-up songs.

Sadly, We’re #1!

Sadly, We’re #1!

 |  Jan 15, 2019

There are countless polls and lists that rank cities and industries on their respective standing amongst their peers. The business lists, like the Book of Lists, have become tainted over the years, with business owners or their representatives grossly inflating their numbers so as to appear higher on the list than they actually should. And […]

Separation of Church and State

Separation of Church and State

 |  Jan 8, 2019

We all know how essential it is to step away from work every now and then – even if it is unplanned, as Kelsey Makings pointed out recently. And Alison Bailin Batz has written about what some of the HMAers do in their spare time. Those who are able to manage a good work/life balance […]

Seasons GrEATings

Seasons GrEATings

 |  Dec 21, 2018

For as long as I’ve worked at HMA, come mid-October, we begin talking about our holiday card.  You see we have a tradition, that our card goes out in the mail the day before Thanksgiving, so that when our clients, colleagues and media get back to work from the long weekend, our card is waiting […]

The Importance of Getting Visual on Social Media

The Importance of Getting Visual on Social Media

 |  Dec 20, 2018

Aside from my love of writing, I have a passion for creating graphics. I get to use a different part of my brain and my fingers get a break from clanking on the keyboard.  Although I probably spend more time on them then I should, it makes a vast difference when creating visuals for social […]

Do you prefer to read or watch the news?

Do you prefer to read or watch the news?

 |  Dec 19, 2018

Personally, I prefer to read the news. Admittedly, that often means scrolling through the newspaper on my phone first thing in the morning, but it is reading nonetheless.  I do subscribe to the Arizona Republic, getting it delivered on Wednesdays and Sundays. Nothing quite like taking the time on a Sunday morning to read the […]

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