Our Blog

“What is…Wednesday” – What is Public Relations? My Mom’s Take

“What is…Wednesday” – What is Public Relations? My Mom’s Take

 |  Sep 14, 2011

Now I know all of us in public relations have tried for our entire careers to explain what it is we do. And if you are like me, you’ve always been sure your parents really have no clue, “but as long as you’re happy, we’re happy.” Right? We were in Minneapolis for a family wedding.  […]


#MediaMonday – Tishin Donkersley

 |  Sep 12, 2011

Today’s #MediaMonday comes with a congratulations to the profilee – Tishin Donkersley, editor of Green Living AZ Magazine, who is celebrating the one year anniversary of the fab mag today! To help fete this great accomplishment, let’s learn a little more about Tishin – in her own words below – plus a bonus video. Enjoy […]


Where were you when…

 |  Sep 9, 2011

This question is being asked a lot this week as we are approaching the 10th anniversary of 9-11.  Like many on the West Coast, I was still in bed.  After hitting the snooze button a couple times, I heard the very somber voices of Tim and Willy describing what had happened in New York.  Because […]


You Can’t NOT Communicate

 |  Sep 1, 2011

So, finally I am… Some time ago, David Grossman, ABC, APR, Fellow PRSA, sent me a copy of his book, You Can’t NOT Communicate. Much of the book focuses on employee communications, offering an excellent collection of tips and approaches to communicating in a way that can help leaders differentiate themselves. In fact, he coined […]


#MediaMonday – Kevin Derryberry

 |  Aug 29, 2011

Each Monday, we are posting a blog to help our readers get to know the media just a little bit better. With a TWIST! No, we aren’t posting story pitch tips or media lists, but instead great stories from the media themselves about their lives, their work and other little known facts! Think of it […]


#MediaMonday – Carey Peña

 |  Aug 22, 2011

Each Monday, we are posting a blog to help our readers get to know the media just a little bit better. With a TWIST! No, we aren’t posting story pitch tips or media lists, but instead great stories from the media themselves about their lives, their work and other little known facts! Think of it […]


#MediaMonday – Peter Madrid

 |  Aug 15, 2011

At HMA, we are all about chatting people up. So much so, that each week we devote one blog to chatting up a member of the media. Rather than seek out tips on how to best work with their outlet, we want to really get to know them – and this week is not different. […]


#MediaMonday – All About EVB Live

 |  Aug 8, 2011

#MediaMonday – EVB Live Edition In case you were unaware, EVB Live – which stands for East Van Buren, where the show takes place – premiered last week on Channel 12. It’s a new news show with a twist. Hosts Tram Mai, Scott Light and Caribe Devine sit news desk-less on a casual, modern set […]


Book Club – “Return of the Gold: The Journey of Jerry Colangelo and the Redeem Team”

 |  Aug 4, 2011

Each month, one member of the HMA team reads a book of his/her choosing and shares when he/she learned from the book during one of our staff meetings. While the book does not have to be specifically communications focused, we do like for our team members to be able to share nuggets of wisdom within […]


Book Club – “Return of the Gold: The Journey of Jerry Colangelo and the Redeem Team"

 |  Aug 4, 2011

Each month, one member of the HMA team reads a book of his/her choosing and shares when he/she learned from the book during one of our staff meetings. While the book does not have to be specifically communications focused, we do like for our team members to be able to share nuggets of wisdom within […]


#MediaMonday – Tara Twietmeyer

 |  Aug 1, 2011

ABC15 media coordinator Tara Twietmeyer has a bug – the news bug. Learn all about her in today’s #MediaMonday, a profile blog we post each week to help everyone get to know the local, regional and national media a little better. New to #MediaMonday? No, we aren’t posting story pitch tips or media lists, but […]


#MediaMonday on Tuesday – Dave Pratt to Return to Phoenix Airwaves

 |  July 26, 2011

Radio veteran Dave Pratt, affectionately known as “The Morning Mayor,” is returning to the terrestrial airwaves Aug. 15 on Phoenix station X 103.9 KEXX-FM after two months of distributing his morning show here.   “My goal has been very simple.  Whether it is online, on-air, in my blog and columns, or in my television appearances, […]

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