Our Blog

How to learn graphic design in no time

How to learn graphic design in no time

 |  Oct 7, 2020

What applications do you use when editing and creating graphics? Marissa Baker shares a few sites that help her perfect graphics in no time. Click to read more!

Just in Time

Just in Time

 |  Oct 6, 2020

Scott Hanson has a way of making it just in time whether it is officiating a game or submitting a proposal. Thankfully, Scott made it to the hospital this weekend just in time before things got worse. Click the link to read more.

How Merriam-Webster won the debate

How Merriam-Webster won the debate

 |  Oct 2, 2020

How well do you know political terminology? Merriam-Webster live tweeted the most popular search terms during the presidential debate. Click to read more.


More than a Statement

 |  Oct 1, 2020

Last week, Annelise highlighted the importance of being authentic now more than ever as the nation continues to come together in solidarity and support of racial injustices faced by many African American men and women in America. But what does that authenticity look like? For me, a young black woman, a social media post is […]

Are virtual events worth the effort?

Are virtual events worth the effort?

 |  Sep 30, 2020

Have you hosted a virtual event during the pandemic? Marissa thinks that virtual events have the capacity to be just as successful as an in-person event. Click the link to read more!

Baseball, Dogs and Apple Pie

Baseball, Dogs and Apple Pie

 |  Sep 29, 2020

America's favorite pastime is notorious for coming up with clever promotions, but how can they run promotions with no fans? Read more from Scott on how teams are still able to promote games through varied promotions.

A Safety Measure or Window Dressing?

A Safety Measure or Window Dressing?

 |  Sep 23, 2020

What safety measures are in place for high school sports? Football games resume next week but as a contact sport how effective can these protocols be? Click the link to learn more from the referee himself, Scott Hanson.

Is it already Fall?

Is it already Fall?

 |  Sep 22, 2020

Happy fall ya'll! As summer comes to a close, Autumn Jarrrett reflects on the year and has a tip or two about how to be thankful heading into the autumn season. Click to read!

How to use influencers during the holiday season

How to use influencers during the holiday season

 |  Sep 18, 2020

Although it may still be well over 100 degrees most days in Arizona, the holidays are quickly approaching (I’m getting offers from Bath & Body Works for “The Perfect Autumn” and “Frozen Lake” scented candles, so it’s official). I have often wondered through the last several months, what will holiday shopping look like this year. […]

Could it really be 100 days?

Could it really be 100 days?

 |  Sep 17, 2020

Yes, it has been 100 days since we re-set the clock on our work-from-home strategy. The HMA team made a valiant attempt to return to the office in early June. We had a detailed document outlining the steps we were taking to ensure we were safe in the office, protocols for meeting with clients, how […]

Football is Back

Football is Back

 |  Sep 15, 2020

National Football League games have returned.  Finally.  For the most part, it’s TV only, as fans are not yet allowed back into the stadiums. In taking a page – albeit a bad page – from Major League Baseball, the teams are pumping in fake crowd noise.  How ridiculous — as I pointed out a few […]

Where were you 19 years ago?

Where were you 19 years ago?

 |  Sep 11, 2020

Where were you 19 years ago today? As the nation remembers the lives lost during the attacks on this day, Abbie reflects on what that day meant in crisis communications. Read more.

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