Our Blog

#MediaMonday – Denise Naughton

 |  Sep 17, 2012

    Anyone who has done PR here in town over the past five years knows Denise Naughton. As the queen of producing for Sonoran Living on ABC15, not a day passes when she isn’t working with at least a dozen communications folks. And now, you can work with her in a totally new way […]


#MediaMonday – Arizona Republic launches new subscription model

 |  Aug 27, 2012

    I say it is about time!  I have thought for quite some time that the newspaper industry was way behind the rest of the media business…providing all that content for FREE.  What is up with that? Sure, it may have come as a surprise to most people when the Arizona Republic announced it […]


“What is…” Wednesday – What are the five deadly sins of communicating in a “digitoral era”?

 |  Aug 22, 2012

    Everyone can tell a story or sell a product but becoming a modern-day marketer requires communicating a message in a compelling manner. I recently read the book Winning the Story Wars by marketing master, Jonah Sachs, who has been featured by dozens of media outlets ( CNN, New York Times and Fox News […]


#MediaMonday – Tim Hattrick

 |  Aug 20, 2012

    Each Monday, we are posting a blog to help our readers get to know the media just a little bit better. With a TWIST! No, we aren’t posting story pitch tips or media lists, but instead great stories from the media themselves about their lives, their work and other little known facts! Think […]


“What is…” Wednesday – What is the Thought Revolution?

 |  Aug 15, 2012

    Not sure how Thought Revolution: How to Unlock Your Inner Genius by William A. Donius ended up on my desk.  But it did – so I read it. Donius was a successful corporate climber, but wasn’t happy with his personal life, including relationships, creativity and his own fears. He used what’s called “intuitive […]


#MediaMonday – Terri O

 |  Aug 13, 2012

OMG! Terri O – MG, to be more precise. So happy to see the one and only Terri O starting her new gig on Sonoran Living this morning. As such, it was only fitting to ask her to be today’s #MediaMonday to celebrate! So, Terri O – what do you want to tell the blogosphere […]


#MediaMonday – Fields Moseley

 |  Aug 6, 2012

    Each Monday, we are posting a blog to help our readers get to know the media just a little bit better. With a TWIST! No, we aren’t posting story pitch tips or media lists, but instead great stories from the media themselves about their lives, their work and other little known facts! Think […]


Big Mouths, Unite!

 |  Aug 2, 2012

    Andy Cohen and I have two very major things in common – a passionate love for the evil magic tube known as the “television” and big mouths. And just like Cohen, my love for television has honestly helped me in my communications career, while my big mouth has gotten me into trouble. In […]


#MediaMonday – Pitching Television

 |  July 30, 2012

      Last week, I had the pleasure of attending my first ever PRSA media breakfast which was all about the do’s and don’ts of pitching the media. Unlike other media breakfasts, this event was hosted at night (AKA happy hour). The panelist included producers and reporters Nicole Crites, reporter/anchor for CBS 5, Yasmeen […]


#MediaMonday – Scott Hanson

 |  July 23, 2012

Alison here in our office is counting the days until Friday – when she joins some of her favorite Valley media including Mike Jurecki, Ron Wolfley and Kent Sommers at Cardinals Camp. Like these trusty media vets, Alison will have her reporter’s hat on, covering all of the most fabulous things to do, see and eat in […]

Olympiad: Just Another Day For PR Pros

Olympiad: Just Another Day For PR Pros

 |  July 19, 2012

With the Summer Olympics on the horizon, it reminded me about how the events of the games translate into what PR professionals do every day. Here’s a brief guide: Olympic Trials – capabilities presentations. Opening Ceremonies – the first client meeting. Parade of Nations – the thought that goes through your mind when you receive […]

A Tip for Tuesday – Forget about the “tool” and figure out the strategy

A Tip for Tuesday – Forget about the “tool” and figure out the strategy

 |  July 17, 2012

  I originally wrote this article for the Phoenix Business Journal, where it appeared on July 6th.  Nothing has transformed our ability to communicate our messages like social media.  Sure, being able to fax a document was pretty handy and certainly the ability to share information via email made getting the information out much easier […]

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