Our Blog

Confession time, I’ve been pronouncing these words all wrong

Confession time, I’ve been pronouncing these words all wrong

 |  Jan 16, 2019

Have you ever walked around with something in your teeth all day, smiling ever so brightly at everyone you pass? It’s beyond humiliating — and, sadly, there’s a verbal equivalent. I’m talking about mispronounced sayings.   Alison wrote about these sayings a few years ago. For example, saying it’s a “doggy-dog world” instead of a “dog-eat- […]

Can Anyone Really Be a Journalist?

Can Anyone Really Be a Journalist?

 |  Jan 11, 2019

Your grandmother can do it on her laptop. Your neighbor’s kid can do it on his phone. And we, as trained journalists, can do it as well. It’s 2019 and literally anyone can publish content online. Degree or not. Often called “user-generated news,” this refers to any type of content that has been created by contributors or, […]

My Daughter Is Obsessed with YouTube… And Maybe It's Alright

My Daughter Is Obsessed with YouTube… And Maybe It's Alright

 |  Jan 9, 2019

My four-year-old loves watching TV just like the rest of us, but her go-to isn’t Barney, Sesame Street or Mr. Rogers. It’s none other than… YouTube. Although I strive not to use the platform as a “digital babysitter” there are times that parents simply need to get things done. It was then, amidst seeing her […]



 |  Jan 4, 2019

 This is it, folks! We have officially finished our first week of 2019. How has it been so far? To celebrate the beginning of a new year, I have compiled some interesting facts about the marvelous month known as January. January is named after the Roman god Janus, who was always shown as having two […]

New year, new inspiration

New year, new inspiration

 |  Jan 3, 2019

For many of us, this week marks a return to work after several days out of the office with family and friends. Whether back refreshed and ready to rock, or still sliding easing into the daily swing of things, we’re here for you. Here is a collection of some of our favorite quotes about business, […]

Surrounding Yourself With Greatness

Surrounding Yourself With Greatness

 |  Dec 13, 2018

One of the Facebook groups I am a member of recently posed the question: College campuses have their own police departments, yet football coaches are always surrounded by state troopers even during home games. Why is that? Now in the throes of the college bowl season, we’ll get plenty of chances to see it. An […]

Digital/Online Communications is Key Growth Area Worldwide

Digital/Online Communications is Key Growth Area Worldwide

 |  Dec 7, 2018

Digital/online communications has been recognized almost worldwide as the area where agencies saw the most growth during 2018. In a report issued by the International Communications Consultancy Organization (ICCO), digital/online communications was the top growth area for agencies in regions including the United Kingdom, North America, Middle East, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Asia-Pacific and Africa. […]

Who Provides Inspiration?

Who Provides Inspiration?

 |  Dec 4, 2018

The HMA Public Relations team has many opportunities throughout the year for professional development. Sometimes team members attend seminars related to our industry, sometimes they attend speeches given by recognized thought-leaders and sometimes they attend events featuring outstanding speakers with motivational or inspirational messages. In no particular order, here is our list of the top […]

Happy Halloween From HMA!

Happy Halloween From HMA!

 |  Oct 31, 2018

Happy Halloween from all of us here at HMA Public Relations. In honor of the holiday, here are a few pictures from the team throughout the years! We hope you have a festive celebration and remember: you are never too old to dress up and eat candy. Enjoy!          

How are transactions changing?

How are transactions changing?

 |  Oct 24, 2018

Yesterday, I bought a set of wine glasses through the market feature on Facebook that collects all things being sold in a specific radius of your current location into one area on the platform. The woman posted a photo with the price, we messaged back and forth, she gave me her address, I picked up […]

#MediaMonday – Chandler Peterson

#MediaMonday – Chandler Peterson

 |  Oct 22, 2018

While it’s #MediaMonday, this post makes us feel like it’s #WineWednesday or #FoodFriday (is that a thing? It should be!). That’s because it comes to us from Chandler Peterson, the founder and editor of Phoenix Food and Wine. How did you get into reporting/editing in the first place? What’s your story? Over years of chatting with […]

Lessons Learned From Top Golf

Lessons Learned From Top Golf

 |  Oct 18, 2018

One can say I am competitive by nature.  As an athlete, I took a loss pretty hard. As a Cardinals fan, well, I have had to learn how to accept an “L” more times than I would like. So, when the HMA team gathered at Top Golf to support Subway Kids & Sports, you can […]

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