Our Blog

#MediaMonday – Eva Bowen

 |  May 14, 2012

Most of us know (and love) Eva Bowen from her many years at the helm of ABC 15’s Sonoran Living Live. Today, she has taken on a new role away from the cameras but still within the media as producer of Outreach Today, an internet-based radio talk show on VoiceAmerica. We welcome Eva here to […]


#MediaMonday – Chris Bishop

 |  Apr 30, 2012

I had the chance to travel to South Africa in April for our twice-yearly PRGN meetings.  HWB Communications, our network partner in Cape Town, arranged to have Chris Bishop, managing editor, Forbes Africa, as one of our speakers.  It was an amazing talk, not only because he is an editor with Forbes, but the fact […]


#MediaMonday – 99 Problems but the Media Ain’t One, Take Two

 |  Apr 23, 2012

Earlier this month, we noted that Arizona isn’t the only one celebrating a 100th birthday in 2012. Our #MediaMonday profiles happen to be turning 100, too. New to #MediaMonday? There is a full list of our past profiles here. Each week, we profile a member of the media by simply asking them one question – […]


#MediaMonday – Kevin Bertram

 |  Apr 16, 2012

Happy Monday fellow bloggers, Rachel Lilly here.  I received the privilege of interning for HMA Summer 2011, and I will be graduating from Northern Arizona University with a degree in Public Relations in just a few weeks! One aspect about NAU that I have come to love is their communication efforts on campus.  So I asked Kevin […]


Sneezers, Idea-Viruses and Purple Cows

 |  Apr 12, 2012

Today’s blog comes from our Spring Intern, Katie. Each semester the HMA Intern does a book report. After hearing about this book from one of my professors, I knew I had to figure out what all this purple cow mania was all about. I know what you are thinking. Is that some kind of illness […]


#MediaMonday – Kristina Morago

 |  Apr 9, 2012

Today’s #MediaMonday comes to us from Kristina Morago, photojournalist for the Ak-Chin O’odham Runner newspaper. On staff since September 2008, the Runner newspaper is printed the first and third Friday of each month. As the official newspaper of the Ak-Chin Indian Community, the Runner is in its 26th year of existence, having started out as […]


#MediaMonday – 99 Problems but the Media Ain’t One

 |  Apr 2, 2012

Arizona isn’t the only one celebrating a 100th birthday in 2012. Our (in)famous #MediaMonday profiles happen to be turning 100, too. Yep, our weekly profiles of members of the media from across the globe have reached the 100-post mark – and we think it calls for a little online celebration. So in honor of #MediaMonday’s […]


#MediaMonday – State Press Edition

 |  Mar 26, 2012

Today’s #MediaMonday comes to us from the mind and keyboard of Katie Snyder, HMA intern extraordinaire. Some may know him as a classmate. Others know him as a mentor. I know him as Nathan Meacham fellow sports fan and editor-in-chief of The State Press, ASU’s student-staffed newspaper. So, Nathan, time to share! What do you […]


#MediaMonday – Kyndra de St. Aubin

 |  Mar 12, 2012

Ballet or basketball? Shopping or Suns? Makeup or Manning? I think it comes as NO surprise I choose the latter of all the options above. I just love sports. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. You know what I also love – other women who love sports, and talking about sports, as much as me. So, it is […]

A Tip for Tuesday – Talk Ain’t Cheap!

A Tip for Tuesday – Talk Ain’t Cheap!

 |  Mar 6, 2012

Think about Tiger Woods. What images come to mind? Is it that red Nike shirt flapping in the wind as he won yet another golf tournament? All those commercials featuring his mug and high-end brands? Probably not. For me, when I think about Tiger, I think about silence – and then that contrite look on […]


A Tip for Tuesday – 15 Questions to a Better Life

 |  Feb 28, 2012

Anyone else read How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age? Our most recent HMA Book Club did, and among the book’s many words of wisdom were questions – 15 questions, to be exact. Fifteen questions that can help us all lead better lives! Here is how. I am a consummate over-sharer. […]


#MediaMonday – Yasmeen Hassan

 |  Feb 27, 2012

We say it here at HMA all the time – we PR folks wear a lot of hats. Sometimes, we have our writing hats on. Other days, we have our event planning and story pitching hats on. And sometimes, we have our crisis management and business consulting hats on. Heck, most days we wear all […]

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