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#MediaMonday – Tim Ring

#MediaMonday – Tim Ring

 |  July 18, 2016

I knew there was something about KTVK sports director Tim Ring I liked. Turns out, his dad (like mine) went to #NotreDame. GO IRISH! His story, which culminates on the broadcast side in him joining KTVK 3TV in 2009, is a great one. Very happy to have him as our #MediaMonday today so he can share it.

#BookClub – Alignment for Success: Bringing Out the Best in Yourself, Your Teams, and Your Company , Part 3 – Make the most of meeting time

#BookClub – Alignment for Success: Bringing Out the Best in Yourself, Your Teams, and Your Company , Part 3 – Make the most of meeting time

 |  July 13, 2016

My series of posts from the Alignment for Success book continues today with [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]some ideas about making the most of meetings[/inlinetweet].  Other posts have included creating alignment for your business and making time to just think. [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]There is nothing worse than being in a meeting with no clear purpose […]

#MediaMonday – Kaely Monahan

#MediaMonday – Kaely Monahan

 |  July 11, 2016

Today’s Media Monday comes to us from Kaely Monahan, a news anchor and reporter for KTAR and the recently-elected secretary of the Valley of Sun Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. She’s an international journalist who is the former editor of GetOut at the East Valley Tribune; creator, executive producer and editor of Popcorn Fan Film Reviews podcast; and a film critic for the Phoenix Film Festival. Kaely, time to share: (Click below for more)

#BookClub – Alignment for Success: Bringing Out the Best in Yourself, Your Teams, and Your Company , Part 2 –Driving Force

#BookClub – Alignment for Success: Bringing Out the Best in Yourself, Your Teams, and Your Company , Part 2 –Driving Force

 |  July 6, 2016

There were so many great nuggets of information in this book, that I decided to write a series of posts.  Last week, I talked about alignment in our organizations;  this post will deal with a leader’s overwhelming desire to be the driving force in the business.   Author Katherine Halpin believes we suffer from “drive-focused […]

#BookClub – Alignment for Success: Bringing Out the Best in Yourself, Your Teams, and Your Company, Part 1 – Alignment

#BookClub – Alignment for Success: Bringing Out the Best in Yourself, Your Teams, and Your Company, Part 1 – Alignment

 |  June 29, 2016

A colleague recommended this book by Katharine Halpin, it sounded interesting so I downloaded it. I didn’t realize that Katharine was here in Phoenix and provides coaching and consulting services to a wide variety of clients. It’s a quick and easy read, but chockful of great ideas to help leaders at all levels in an organization align goals and expectations to ensure success. So many ideas that I’m going to have a few posts so that this one doesn’t get too long. [Click below for more]

#MediaMonday – Jody Oehler

#MediaMonday – Jody Oehler

 |  June 27, 2016

It is no secret that I am a huge – HUGE – fan of sports. (Go Irish! Go Cards! Go Suns…once you get a new owner!) And while I am neither a huge fan of orange nor red, there is a ginger-haired radio personality who I honestly think is the next big thing in Arizona sports broadcasting: Jody Oehler. Jody joined long-time Arizona Cardinals insider Mike Jurecki and FOX Sports 910 producer extraordinaire Mike Bauer on The Drive with Jody, MJ and Bauer – a 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. weekday sports radio talk show – in 2013. He came from Tucson, where he hosted a popular radio program on ESPN Tucson and even tried his hand at TV sports reporting at KGUN-TV. Since The Drive debuted three years ago this summer, the team has found so much success, in fact, that they have been asked to serve as fill-in hosts for nationally syndicated talk shows including The Dan Patrick Show and The Rich Eisen Show, among others. Today’s Media Monday is all about Jody – so you can say you knew him when. Jody, what do you want to tell the blogosphere about yourself today? [Click below for more]

Serena, Serena, Serena

Serena, Serena, Serena

 |  June 26, 2016

So Serena Williams is in the news AGAIN. And (again) not for the right reasons! Just a few short months ago I posted the blog When Sports Players “Meltdown”, about how Serena could not keep her “temper” in check at the Australian Open. Fast forward five months and here we are again, this time Serena […]

#MediaMonday – Lauren Grifo

#MediaMonday – Lauren Grifo

 |  June 20, 2016

KTAR News on 92.3FM is among the most trusted – and most popular – news outlets in Arizona. And if you pitch their team well, you have a great chance of good coverage on their station. With 24 hours to fill, there the news opportunities abound. But should you just blindly sent out a pitch to a bunch of reporters and hope for the best? No! No! No! We always recommend getting to know the media – and how they work – before hitting the send button on even the best story idea. That’s actually how these now-regular #MediaMonday posts came about. What is #MediaMonday, you ask? Each Monday, we here at HMA post a handy dandy blog to help our readers get to know the media just a little bit better. With a TWIST! No, we aren’t posting story pitch tips or media lists, but instead great stories from the media themselves about their lives, their work and other little known facts! Think of it as your first “networking” opportunity of the week! Today’s #MediaMonday comes to us from KTAR’s own Lauren Grifo. So, Lauren, time to share! [Click below for more...]

A Seniors’ View of the Newsroom

A Seniors’ View of the Newsroom

 |  June 15, 2016

I was having dinner with my folks over the weekend and casually asked them what they had planned for the week. I was fully expecting the answer to be “going to BINGO or playing Mah Jong,” which has become the norm of late. They are very involved at their senior center so the weeks are filled with lots of activities. But I didn’t expect them to say “going on a tour at Channel 12.” What!?! I’ve been to the station dozens of times, but I’ve never had a tour. So what else could I do but ask my dad to a pen a blog post on the experience. So here’s Larry’s view of the newsroom.

#MediaMonday – Angel Fuchs

#MediaMonday – Angel Fuchs

 |  June 13, 2016

Oh no – it’s 9 a.m. and I am already hungry. Like always… And reading today’s blog is just making me hungrier! That’s because this #MediaMonday we are profiling Angel Fuchs, who runs her own local website (don’t call her a mommy blogger though!) and writes for Phoenix Bites (Hi, Taryn!). I first met her […]

#MediaMonday – Fernanda Santos

#MediaMonday – Fernanda Santos

 |  June 6, 2016

I am honored to feature today’s #MediaMonday, Fernanda Santos, a veteran New York Times reporter and its Phoenix Bureau Chief since 2012, and the author of a new book, “The Fire Line: The Story of the Granite Mountain Hotshots and One of the Deadliest Days in American Firefighting.” Prior to moving to Phoenix, home base […]

#MediaMonday – Christina Barrueta

#MediaMonday – Christina Barrueta

 |  May 23, 2016

As we hope you know by now, each Monday, we share a blog post to help our readers get to know the media just a little bit better. With a TWIST! This isn’t necessary about pitch tips or creating media lists, but instead great stories from the media themselves about their lives, their work and […]

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