Welcome back! Assuming you survived Thursday’s food binge, you may have been one of the millions of people to participate in Black Friday, the notorious day-after-Thanksgiving-sales named for putting companies’ profit in the “black” at the cost of a few unruly mobs. Black Friday shoppers spent $11.2 billion, a record $1 billion of which was […]
Katie, HMA intern and NBA basketball know-it-all (or at least I like to think so) here, back and talking to you about all things social media and basketball. Normally we spotlight a member of the media for our #MediaMonday, but this week we are honoring my favorite professional sport for having the […]
Admittedly I read the book because my pal Gini Dietrich is one of the writers. And to support her and her writing partner Geoff Livingston, I bought the book even though I knew I would be receiving a copy as part of my Counselors Academy registration. I told Gini I would read it before I […]
For this month’s book report, I read an ebook Abbie referred called “I Have a Facebook Page, Now What?” from the folks at sayingitsocial.com. Having Facebook in the title was what originally got my attention, but the more I read, the more I realized how much this book can really help people who are administering […]
Every month one of us HMA’ers reads a book that is related to our industry and reports back on the findings – our own little HMA Book Club (except we spare the whole group from reading the same thing). After putting this off for some time not being able to find anything that truly interested […]