Our Blog

#MediaMonday – Marie Saavedra

 |  Jan 23, 2012

I love native Chicagoans! Not because I am one, mind you. But my family is originally from South Bend, Indiana (yes, home to Notre Dame). Being merely 90 minutes from Chicago and a whole four hours from Indianapolis, Chicago always seemed more like “our big city” even though it was technically in a different state. […]


#MediaMonday – Wag-Worthy Edition!

 |  Jan 16, 2012

As most of our loyal readers know, each Monday we post a blog focusing on one member of the media, aptly titled “#MediaMonday,” where we ask one simple question: What do you want to tell the blogosphere about yourself today? We’ve had some pretty epic responses from nearly 100 media folks thus far, which you […]


When Pride Still Mattered -Scott’s take on the story of Vince Lombardi

 |  Jan 12, 2012

When Pride Still Mattered by David Maraniss is a biography on Vince Lombardi, arguably the greatest football coach who ever lived. He is best-known for his coaching career with the Green Bay Packers that included seven NFL and/or Super Bowl titles in nine seasons. There are a lot of stories and descriptions about his life, […]


#MediaMonday – Local Lily

 |  Jan 9, 2012

Each Monday, we are posting a blog to help our readers get to know the media just a little bit better. With a TWIST! No, we aren’t posting story pitch tips or media lists, but instead great stories from the media themselves about their lives, their work and other little known facts! Think of it […]


10 Great Careers for Women Who Want a Life

 |  Jan 6, 2012

I spent the extra couple days of the New Year’s weekend getting caught up on my magazine reading.  Some local stuff (Jewish News of Greater Phoenix) mindless stuff (Entertainment Weekly), some business stuff (Inc., Fast Company) and some stuff in-between (Oprah, More). Flipping through the November issue of More (ok, I know I’m behind) I […]


#MediaMonday – Scott Bordow

 |  Dec 19, 2011

Today’s #MediaMonday comes to us from Arizona Republic sports columnist Scott Bordow. In addition to his regular columns, you can often hear Scott filling-in as a guest host on some of the Valley’s sports talk radio shows. So,Scott, time to share! What do you want to tell the blogosphere about yourself today? Well, let’s see. […]


#MediaMonday – Ed Baker

 |  Dec 12, 2011

It’s always so random how you meet people in this business. I had the pleasure of meeting Ed Baker, editor of the College Times for the past 10 years, in Ken Koziol’s office at Entertainment Solutions back in 2004 or 2005. Entertainment Solutions was putting on its annual Tempe Music Festival and the College Times […]


“I Have a Facebook Page, Now What?” – an eBook Report

 |  Dec 8, 2011

For this month’s book report, I read an ebook Abbie referred called “I Have a Facebook Page, Now What?” from the folks at sayingitsocial.com. Having Facebook in the title was what originally got my attention, but the more I read, the more I realized how much this book can really help people who are administering […]


#MediaMonday – Christina Estes

 |  Dec 5, 2011

Ever wonder who helps put the “FYI” into KFYI Radio each day? One of our favorite FYIers is none other than Christina Estes, KFYI morning reporter and midday anchor. We are pleased that this #MediaMonday she is joining us here on HMATime to give us a little insight into what she does and how she […]


#MediaMonday – Katarina Kovacevic

 |  Nov 28, 2011

Love to travel? So does Katarina Kovacevic. So much so, she is making a living out of it as a freelance writer and blogger. Today, we are pleased to have her as our #MediaMonday profile, and have asked her to share her wild ride into writing as well as her upcoming projects in Arizona and […]


#MediaMonday – Meet Bruce Kelly, EVIT’s 90.7 FM Operations Manager

 |  Nov 21, 2011

Today’s #MediaMonday comes to us from Bruce Kelly – new Operations Manager at 90.7 FM “The Goldmine” at The East Valley Institute Of Technology in Mesa. I’ve known Bruce since the beginning of my public relations career.  And if truth be told, it was during one of his morning show promotions in the late ‘80s […]


#MediaMonday – Meet Bruce Kelly, EVIT's 90.7 FM Operations Manager

 |  Nov 21, 2011

Today’s #MediaMonday comes to us from Bruce Kelly – new Operations Manager at 90.7 FM “The Goldmine” at The East Valley Institute Of Technology in Mesa. I’ve known Bruce since the beginning of my public relations career.  And if truth be told, it was during one of his morning show promotions in the late ‘80s […]

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