Our Blog

#MediaMonday – Jose Garcia

#MediaMonday – Jose Garcia

 |  Dec 21, 2015

Today’s Media Monday takes us back to high school.  Well, sort of.  It’s from Jose Garcia, co-host of the azpreps365 radio show heard on 98.7 FM each Saturday from 9-11 a.m., and multimedia contributor for the azpreps365.com.   It’s a great showcase for high school sports in Arizona. I’ve had the opportunity to appear with Jose […]

#MediaMonday – Courtland Jeffrey

#MediaMonday – Courtland Jeffrey

 |  Dec 14, 2015

Today’s #MediaMonday comes to us from Courtland Jeffrey at ABC15 in Phoenix. I met Courtland a couple weeks ago when we both served on a panel at Cronkite Days, the J-School’s homecoming event.  Our topic was about how the Cronkite School prepared us for our careers and some of the changes that have occurred over […]

#MediaMonday – Max Efrein

#MediaMonday – Max Efrein

 |  Dec 7, 2015

Today’s blog post, as part of our Media Monday series, features Hawaii native and University of Arizona alum, Max Efrein, reporter for The Daily Courier in Prescott, Ariz. Max has worked with us on a variety of client-related initiatives regarding Arizona Division of Occupational Safety and Health (ADOSH), Subway Restaurants of Arizona and Yavapai Title Agency. […]

#BookClub What is a Brand?

#BookClub What is a Brand?

 |  Dec 4, 2015

[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]What is a brand? [/inlinetweet]How often do we ask ourselves this question as brand professionals? If you think about it, probably not enough.  As public relations professionals, it is our job to protect the brands we represent, and shine them in their best light on a daily basis. It was my turn […]

#MediaMonday – Rebeka Diaz-Smith

#MediaMonday – Rebeka Diaz-Smith

 |  Nov 30, 2015

Each and every Monday, we post a blog to help our readers get to know the media just a little bit better. With a TURN and maybe a TWIST! No, we aren’t posting pitch tips or media lists, but instead great stories from the media themselves about their lives, their work and other little known […]

#MediaMonday – Susan Lanier-Graham

#MediaMonday – Susan Lanier-Graham

 |  Nov 23, 2015

Recently, I had the honor of attending a PRSA Phoenix media breakfast (you can read my recap here) which was focused on the Valley’s top lifestyle media. I was lucky to meet and get to speak with Susan Lanier-Graham after she spoke on the panel. Susan, a travel and lifestyle writer, is originally from Virginia, […]

#MediaMonday- Erin Davis

#MediaMonday- Erin Davis

 |  Nov 16, 2015

[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=”@ErinWriting”]Today’s #MediaMonday comes to us from Erin Davis, AZRE Magazine’s associate editor.[/inlinetweet] After one coffee meeting with Erin, I knew she has a lot to bring to this world with her ability to make you feel like you’ve been friends for years, after only five minutes. So Erin, time to share! What […]

Media Monday – Lynn Bartels

Media Monday – Lynn Bartels

 |  Nov 9, 2015

Today’s Media Monday has a Hall of Fame flair.  Lynn Bartels was recently inducted into the Northern Arizona University College of Social & Behavioral Sciences Hall of Fame after a 35-year career in journalism, including 22 years reporting in Denver, first for the Rocky Mountain News and then at the Denver Post.  She recently joined […]

What Makes a Good Employee?

What Makes a Good Employee?

 |  Nov 4, 2015

I was one of the speakers at the North Carolina PRSA seminar a couple weeks ago.  I talked about building an authentic workplace.  It was a great session and I enjoyed pulling the information together to present. Following me on the agenda was Tom Hoog.  Tom’s kind of a big deal.  He’s had a much-storied […]

#BookClub – A Girlfriend’s Guide to Social Media

#BookClub – A Girlfriend’s Guide to Social Media

 |  Nov 3, 2015

It is so much fun to see a friend’s name appear as the author of a book. Congratulations to LaTricia Harper Woods and her writing partner, Maria Benson, on the release of A Girlfriend’s Guide to Social Media. The book is an excellent overview of the various social media channels and the dos and don’ts […]

#MediaMonday – Mary Ann Bashaw

#MediaMonday – Mary Ann Bashaw

 |  Nov 2, 2015

Life has an interesting way of working out. I recently attended the 2015 Valley Publicity Summit hosted by the Society of Professional Journalists Valley of the Sun Chapter. It was very valuable for public relations professionals to get to know media professionals and pitch them face-to-face, speed-dating style. Before the panel discussion started, I became […]

Creating An Innovative and Authentic Workplace

Creating An Innovative and Authentic Workplace

 |  Oct 27, 2015

I had the pleasure of presenting to the North Carolina PRSA chapter during its annual workshop in Raleigh last week. I was thrilled to be on the agenda — not only to share my thoughts on workplace culture — but it gave me a great reason to visit with my friends in the area. No […]

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