Search Results for: event
#MediaMonday – Marc Buckhout
The Valley really is the smallest “big city” of all time. Get this: For the past several years, I have not only been pitching the Foothills Focus, which is a popular weekly newspaper covering all things in Anthem, Black Canyon City, Carefree, Cave Creek, Desert Hills, New River, north Phoenix and north Scottsdale, on a […]
READ MOREAs They See ‘Em – A Fan’s Travels in the Land of Umpires
Bruce Weber has been with The New York Times in various editorial positions since 1986. He took some time off from the newsroom’s daily grind a few years ago to research and write As They See ‘Em, A Fan’s Travels in the Land of Umpires. Weber immersed himself in the highly scrutinized and grossly misunderstood […]
READ MORE#MediaMonday – Cynthia Sassi
Happy Monday! To kick off each week, we profile a member of the media to help our readers get to know him or her a little better – but with a TWIST! Rather than talk beats and story bites, we ask our spotlights to share little known facts and tidbits you won’t find anywhere else! […]
READ MORE#MediaMonday – Nadine Bubeck
Each Monday, we are posting a blog to help our readers get to know the media just a little bit better. With a TWIST! No, we aren’t posting story pitch tips or media lists, but instead great stories from the media themselves about their lives, their work and other little known facts! Think of it […]
READ MOREMedia Training Outliers
As most of you know, Abbie was recently featured on ESPN! Her insight was brilliant – focused on how those “boring” sound bites from athletes are really just them hitting their message points in sometimes-emotional moments. If you missed it, click here. Anyhow, I agree with her concepts wholeheartedly, especially today with morality and social […]
READ MOREBloggers Behind Black Friday Business
Welcome back! Assuming you survived Thursday’s food binge, you may have been one of the millions of people to participate in Black Friday, the notorious day-after-Thanksgiving-sales named for putting companies’ profit in the “black” at the cost of a few unruly mobs. Black Friday shoppers spent $11.2 billion, a record $1 billion of which was […]
READ MORE#MediaMonday – Jessica Parsons
Once upon a time—okay, in the mid-90s—there was a KTVK-3TV producer named Jessica Parsons. Enter music: A Space Odyssey, married to her own prince charming and fellow co-worker, Jeffrey… and life was good. Two moves, one child and three dogs later…she still has that great sense of humor, big smile and fabulous fashion sense most […]
READ MORE#MediaMonday – Rocky Mountain Emmys
This past weekend was a special one for Arizona’s broadcast media as its best and brightest in television production, talent, direction and camera work were honored at the 35th Annual Rocky Mountain Emmy Awards. Some great friends and colleagues were honored during the event, including 12 News for Station Excellence, 3TV for Feature […]
READ MORE#MediaMonday – Jim Small
Each Monday, we are posting a blog to help our readers get to know the media just a little bit better. With a TWIST! No, we aren’t posting story pitch tips or media lists, but instead great stories from the media themselves about their lives, their work and other little known facts! Think of […]
READ MORE“What is…” Wednesday – What is the Thought Revolution?
Not sure how Thought Revolution: How to Unlock Your Inner Genius by William A. Donius ended up on my desk. But it did – so I read it. Donius was a successful corporate climber, but wasn’t happy with his personal life, including relationships, creativity and his own fears. He used what’s called “intuitive […]
READ MORE#MediaMonday – Pitching Television
Last week, I had the pleasure of attending my first ever PRSA media breakfast which was all about the do’s and don’ts of pitching the media. Unlike other media breakfasts, this event was hosted at night (AKA happy hour). The panelist included producers and reporters Nicole Crites, reporter/anchor for CBS 5, Yasmeen […]
READ MOREOlympiad: Just Another Day For PR Pros
With the Summer Olympics on the horizon, it reminded me about how the events of the games translate into what PR professionals do every day. Here’s a brief guide: Olympic Trials – capabilities presentations. Opening Ceremonies – the first client meeting. Parade of Nations – the thought that goes through your mind when you receive […]