Search Results for: event

#LifeisGreat! Revealing the 7 Secrets to a More Joyful You! – @yitzwyne

#LifeisGreat! Revealing the 7 Secrets to a More Joyful You! – @yitzwyne

 |  Nov 18, 2011

Most of you know that I had the opportunity to travel to Israel in February 2008 with my lifelong friend Donna.  The mission trip was led by Rabbi Yitz Wyne of Young Israel Aish Las Vegas and was attended by Rabbi’s son and five other people. The trip was incredible…so much to do, so much […]


The Fifth Estate

 |  Nov 10, 2011

Every month one of us HMA’ers reads a book that is related to our industry and reports back on the findings – our own little HMA Book Club (except we spare the whole group from reading the same thing). After putting this off for some time not being able to find anything that truly interested […]


#MediaMonday – Mike Schmidt

 |  Oct 31, 2011

Last week, we told you all about the fabulous Joe Chitwood, an honoree at this month’s Rocky Mountain Emmys. We thought we would continue on this path to talk about another of the big honorees from the evening on this Media Monday – Mike Schmidt. I met Mike while during the gala event when he […]


#MediaMonday – Joe Chitwood

 |  Oct 24, 2011

Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of assisting with the Rocky Mountain Emmy Awards. During the gala event, the Emmys inducted some special individuals into the Silver Circle Society, which recognizes individuals who have served in the industry for a minimum of 25 years, with the majority of it being spent in the Rocky […]


#MediaMonday – Sludge

 |  Oct 17, 2011

Each Monday, we are posting a blog to help our readers get to know the media just a little bit better. With a TWIST! No, we aren’t posting story pitch tips or media lists, but instead great stories from the media themselves about their lives, their work and other little known facts! Think of it […]


#MediaMonday – Ilana Lowery

 |  Sep 19, 2011

I’ve known Ilana Lowery going on 20+ years (eek!).  We’ve certainly gotten to know each other as PR professional and journalist/editor.  As editor of the Phoenix Business Journal, she oversees a team of first-class journalists who daily report on what is happening in our community and how that impacts our businesses.  She responded to the […]


Where were you when…

 |  Sep 9, 2011

This question is being asked a lot this week as we are approaching the 10th anniversary of 9-11.  Like many on the West Coast, I was still in bed.  After hitting the snooze button a couple times, I heard the very somber voices of Tim and Willy describing what had happened in New York.  Because […]


#MediaMonday – Peter Madrid

 |  Aug 15, 2011

At HMA, we are all about chatting people up. So much so, that each week we devote one blog to chatting up a member of the media. Rather than seek out tips on how to best work with their outlet, we want to really get to know them – and this week is not different. […]


Book Club – “Return of the Gold: The Journey of Jerry Colangelo and the Redeem Team"

 |  Aug 4, 2011

Each month, one member of the HMA team reads a book of his/her choosing and shares when he/she learned from the book during one of our staff meetings. While the book does not have to be specifically communications focused, we do like for our team members to be able to share nuggets of wisdom within […]


Book Club – “Return of the Gold: The Journey of Jerry Colangelo and the Redeem Team”

 |  Aug 4, 2011

Each month, one member of the HMA team reads a book of his/her choosing and shares when he/she learned from the book during one of our staff meetings. While the book does not have to be specifically communications focused, we do like for our team members to be able to share nuggets of wisdom within […]


#MediaMonday – Tyler Bassett

 |  July 25, 2011

Each Monday, we are posting a blog to help our readers get to know the media just a little bit better. With a TWIST! No, we aren’t posting story pitch tips or media lists, but instead great stories from the media themselves about their lives, their work and other little known facts! Think of it […]


#MediaMonday – Jennifer A. Johnson

 |  July 18, 2011

One of the newest faces to join the media family here in Arizona is Jennifer A. Johnson, who joined the Phoenix Business Journal this summer in the banking and finance beat. In an effort to help welcome her to the family, today’s #MediaMonday profile is all about Jennifer! New to #MediaMonday? Basically, it is a […]

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