Search Results for: event

Crisis Communications – Sexist Olympic PR Problems

Crisis Communications – Sexist Olympic PR Problems

 |  Aug 12, 2016

All this week I have been planning to write about the Olympics, since I really enjoy watching them (and no, not just the tennis portion). At first I was going to write about the Russian athletes who were banned from the Olympics for failing drug tests. I had written earlier in the year about Sharapova’s […]

The Olympics – Bringing the World Together

The Olympics – Bringing the World Together

 |  Aug 2, 2016

The Summer Olympic Games in Rio start on Friday, Aug. 5. The Paralympic Games, also in Rio, begin Sept. 7. Athletes from around the world, representing their country with pride, come together to compete on a global stage. These are the best of the best in their chosen sport. These athletes have trained virtually their […]

Fletcher McCusker of Rio Nuevo Will be Keynote Speaker At  Arizona Association for Economic Development’s September Luncheon

Fletcher McCusker of Rio Nuevo Will be Keynote Speaker At Arizona Association for Economic Development’s September Luncheon

 |  Aug 1, 2016

(TUCSON – August 1, 2016)  Fletcher McCusker, chairman of Rio Nuevo, will be the keynote speaker at the Arizona Association for Economic Development’s (AAED) September Southern Arizona luncheon.  It will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 28 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. at the Arizona Inn, located at 2200 E. Elm St., in Tucson. Rio […]

Media Monday – Super Snake

Media Monday – Super Snake

 |  Aug 1, 2016

Today’s #MediaMonday is home grown. It’s from Mega 104.3 afternoon on-air personality Super Snake. It’s important to note, his afternoon gig is just a tip of the iceberg for this multi-media talent. He’s also the program director for both KAJM – Mega 104.3 and KNRJ – 101.1The Beat. To read his full profile, click the link below.

#MediaMonday – Jennifer Longdon, Ability 360

#MediaMonday – Jennifer Longdon, Ability 360

 |  July 25, 2016

I’ve posted here before about our work on behalf of disability organizations. We featured the National Center on Disability and Journalism New Comprehensive Style Guide as a previous Media Monday and I’ve also written about how Jennifer Longdon inspires me to be a better person. You’ll understand why the word inspire has a different meaning than what you may think. One of our first clients doing disability advocacy work was ABIL, now called Ability360. They have recently launched a magazine and I asked Jen to tell us a little bit more about it. But you can’t learn about the magazine without first learning about Jen. We’re sharing this post today because it is the day before the 26th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. So Jen, what do you want to tell the blogosphere about yourself today?

#MediaMonday – Tim Ring

#MediaMonday – Tim Ring

 |  July 18, 2016

I knew there was something about KTVK sports director Tim Ring I liked. Turns out, his dad (like mine) went to #NotreDame. GO IRISH! His story, which culminates on the broadcast side in him joining KTVK 3TV in 2009, is a great one. Very happy to have him as our #MediaMonday today so he can share it.

Arizona Association for Economic Development’s August Luncheon Topic: 2017 Real Estate Outlook

Arizona Association for Economic Development’s August Luncheon Topic: 2017 Real Estate Outlook

 |  July 13, 2016

The 2017 Real Estate Outlook will be the topic at the Arizona Association for Economic Development’s (AAED) August luncheon. It will be held on Aug. 2 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. at 2901 N. Seventh St. in Phoenix.

The Arizona Commission for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing and  Arizona Relay Service to Participate in National Association of the Deaf (NAD) Conference, July 5-9

The Arizona Commission for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing and Arizona Relay Service to Participate in National Association of the Deaf (NAD) Conference, July 5-9

 |  June 21, 2016

WHAT: The Arizona Commission for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing and Arizona Relay Service are participating in the 53rd Biennial National Association of the Deaf (NAD) Conference. NAD is the nation’s premier civil rights organization of, by and for deaf and hard of hearing individuals in the United State of America. The conference, […]

Southwest Behavioral & Health Services Hosts Nautical Themed Fashion Show for Clients

Southwest Behavioral & Health Services Hosts Nautical Themed Fashion Show for Clients

 |  June 20, 2016

(PHOENIX – June 21, 2016) On Friday, May 20, 2016, Southwest Behavioral & Health Services (SB&H), one of Arizona’s largest and long-standing nonprofit behavioral and health service providers, hosted a fashion show for SB&H clients at its Community Resilience Center. The “nautical” theme fashion show was coordinated by both staff and SB&H clients to promote […]

A Seniors’ View of the Newsroom

A Seniors’ View of the Newsroom

 |  June 15, 2016

I was having dinner with my folks over the weekend and casually asked them what they had planned for the week. I was fully expecting the answer to be “going to BINGO or playing Mah Jong,” which has become the norm of late. They are very involved at their senior center so the weeks are filled with lots of activities. But I didn’t expect them to say “going on a tour at Channel 12.” What!?! I’ve been to the station dozens of times, but I’ve never had a tour. So what else could I do but ask my dad to a pen a blog post on the experience. So here’s Larry’s view of the newsroom.

“Recent Economic Trends and Outlook for Tucson” Will Be the Topic At AAED’s Southern Ariz. Luncheon

“Recent Economic Trends and Outlook for Tucson” Will Be the Topic At AAED’s Southern Ariz. Luncheon

 |  June 14, 2016

(TUCSON – June 14, 2016) “Recent Economic Trends and Outlook for Tucson” will be the topic at the Arizona Association for Economic Development (AAED)’s July Southern Arizona luncheon.  It will be held on Wednesday, July 27 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. at the Arizona Inn, located at 2200 E. Elm St., in Tucson. George […]

#MediaMonday – Angel Fuchs

#MediaMonday – Angel Fuchs

 |  June 13, 2016

Oh no – it’s 9 a.m. and I am already hungry. Like always… And reading today’s blog is just making me hungrier! That’s because this #MediaMonday we are profiling Angel Fuchs, who runs her own local website (don’t call her a mommy blogger though!) and writes for Phoenix Bites (Hi, Taryn!). I first met her […]

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