Author Archives: Abbie Fink

LinkedIn Is Still My Go-to for Business Connections

LinkedIn Is Still My Go-to for Business Connections

 |  Nov 16, 2023

Are you leveraging LinkedIn to establish your brand and strengthen new and current business connections? Abbie Fink covers the value of the social media platform and how it can help you identify common connections in this blog post. Learn more!

Symbolic Gestures Can Be Quite Powerful

Symbolic Gestures Can Be Quite Powerful

 |  Nov 9, 2023

After attending a recent Veterans Day Breakfast, Abbie Fink is reflecting on her experience and sharing a powerful symbolic gesture that honors the fallen, missing and imprisoned men and women of the U.S. Military. Read more.

How to Develop an EFFECTIVE Long-Term Marketing Communications Plan

How to Develop an EFFECTIVE Long-Term Marketing Communications Plan

 |  Nov 1, 2023

Whether you're integrating communication strategies into your 2024 business goals or you've been crafting a plan over time, it's crucial to recognize the role that a marketing plan has in your business success. Abbie Fink outlines the key reasons to establish a plan in this post. Learn more!

Newsjacking Can Be a Valuable Tool

Newsjacking Can Be a Valuable Tool

 |  Oct 27, 2023

Newsjacking, the practice of adding your thoughts and opinions into news stories, was relevant in the past and is still relevant today. Abbie Fink covers the intricacies of newsjacking in this blog post. Read more!

Give ‘em the Pickle!

Give ‘em the Pickle!

 |  Oct 18, 2023

Abbie Fink discusses the customer philosophy known as “give ‘em the pickle,” drawing insight from Farrell’s Ice Cream Parlor. Read more about how small gestures can go a long way to solidifying the customer relationship in today's blog post.

Why it is Important to Include Strategic Marketing in Your Business Plan

Why it is Important to Include Strategic Marketing in Your Business Plan

 |  Oct 4, 2023

Authentic business growth calls for a customized marketing plan that includes strategies tailored to your specific goals. Learn more about an agency's role in developing and implementing your strategic plan and discover the questions to consider before working with an agency in this blog post from Abbie Fink. Check it out!

Why Experience Counts More Than How Long Something Takes

Why Experience Counts More Than How Long Something Takes

 |  Sep 29, 2023

Experience counts! Discover why some are saying goodbye to hourly billing and taking a different approach that emphasizes the value of our work in this blog post from Abbie Fink following a recent webinar hosted by Public Relations Global Network. Read more!

What Is the Point of Banning Books?

What Is the Point of Banning Books?

 |  Sep 22, 2023

October 1-7 is Banned Books Week and the latest theme is “Let Freedom Read,” a call to action about the urgent need to defend the right to read and to support the community of readers, library staff, educators, authors, publishers, and booksellers. Read more from Abbie Fink on banned books and the power of reading in this post.

A Great Example of Transparency in the Midst of an Uncomfortable Situation

A Great Example of Transparency in the Midst of an Uncomfortable Situation

 |  Sep 13, 2023

Participating in media interviews during a crisis situation allows individuals to tell their side of the story and let the public make up their own minds. Abbie Fink discusses a recent interview from Francis Wick of Wick Communications on his purchase of the Arizona Daily Sun newspaper and shares why this highlights the importance of speaking with the media in this post.

Are There Newspaper Carriers Anymore?

Are There Newspaper Carriers Anymore?

 |  Sep 5, 2023

With many of us off for Labor Day, we might not have been aware that yesterday was also National Newspaper Carrier Day. Abbie Fink covers the history behind the day and how to recognize it in this blog post.

Is It Really Ok To Be Selfish?

Is It Really Ok To Be Selfish?

 |  Aug 31, 2023

After recently attending the 2023 PowerUp Conference, which focuses on creating conversations and engaging content to help women be more successful in the world, Abbie Fink is sharing how to RESET and prevent guilt when putting yourself first. Find out more!

Associated Press Issues AI Guidelines

Associated Press Issues AI Guidelines

 |  Aug 24, 2023

The Associated Press recently released its standards for generative AI outlining how to use these tools properly, ethically and journalistically. Abbie Fink shares more on these new guidelines in this blog post. Find out more!

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