The Value of Photos

We know how important it is to include visuals with our media pitches.  Whether it’s a photograph for print or a suggested video opp for a TV story, we know the significance of being visual.

What has become an unwelcome trend recently is how NFL players think they should gather as a group and “pose” for a team photo in the end zone after one of them makes a good play, something they are SUPPOSED to do.

I’m okay with some excitement and celebration with teammates, but this to me, is a juvenile and less-than-classy approach to call attention to themselves.  It’s as if they don’t expect that we’ll see their incredible athleticism over-and-over again on replays.

What ever happened to the “act like you’ve been there before” mentality?

If the HMA team carried on like that every time we had a big play for one of our clients, we’d never get any work done!  We certainly enjoy recognition for a job well-done, but forcing it like what we’re seeing these days in the NFL is just bad form.

Now get off my lawn – it’s time for another huge PR win for our clients!

Written by
at Dec 3, 2019

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