Search Results for: event

#MediaMonday – Sean McLaughlin

 |  June 21, 2010

Each Monday, we are posting a blog to help our readers get to know the media just a little bit better. With a TWIST! No, we aren’t posting story pitch tips or media lists, but instead great stories from the media themselves about their lives, their work and other little known facts! Think of it […]


#MediaMonday Extra – House of Broadcasting Honorees

 |  May 17, 2010

This past weekend, the House of Broadcasting, Inc. honored three individuals who have had a tremendous impact on Arizona media over the years: Susan Karis, Win Holden and Tom Chauncey II. MediaWatch AZ’s own Mike Shaldjian was on hand for the festivities and was nice enough to guest blog for us about the event. Thanks, […]


#MediaMonday – Jason Christopher

 |  May 3, 2010

Each Monday, we are posting a blog to help our readers get to know the media just a little bit better. With a TWIST! No, we aren’t posting story pitch tips or media lists, but instead great stories from the media themselves about their lives, their work and other little known facts! Think of it […]


#MediaMonday – Cathryn Creno

 |  Apr 26, 2010

Each Monday, we are posting a blog to help our readers get to know the media just a little bit better. With a TWIST! No, we aren’t posting story pitch tips or media lists, but instead great stories from the media themselves about their lives, their work and other little known facts! Think of it […]


Book Club – Putting the "Public" Back in Public Relations

 |  Apr 7, 2010

For this month’s (well, actually, last month’s) book report, I read Putting the Public Back in Public Relations, by Brian Solis and Deirdre Breakenridge. The book began by asking a painfully honest question: “What’s wrong with PR?” There was a laundry list of wrong things from an array of people, but the goal wasn’t to […]


Book Club – Putting the “Public” Back in Public Relations

 |  Apr 7, 2010

For this month’s (well, actually, last month’s) book report, I read Putting the Public Back in Public Relations, by Brian Solis and Deirdre Breakenridge. The book began by asking a painfully honest question: “What’s wrong with PR?” There was a laundry list of wrong things from an array of people, but the goal wasn’t to […]


#MediaMonday – Peter Corbett

 |  Mar 1, 2010

Each Monday, we are posting a blog to help our readers get to know the media just a little bit better. With a TWIST! No, we aren’t posting story pitch tips or media lists, but instead great stories from the media themselves about their lives, their work and other little known facts! Think of it […]


#MediaMonday – Pratt Attack

 |  Feb 22, 2010

Longtime Valley radio personality Dave Pratt has resurfaced. He’s not back on the air, but penning a daily blog for AZ Central. Whatever money Dave is earning for his daily contributions is going to the South Phoenix dental clinic he opened 14 years ago. I knew Dave was getting a bit antsy. This will give […]


Book Club!

 |  Dec 29, 2009

Are you a trust agent? So the time came once again for me to be the “reader” for the next HMA Public Relations book club. Lots of positive chatter on Twitter about Trust Agents by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith. I figured I’d give it a try. And with a couple hours to kill on […]

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