How Does Earned Media Benefit Business?

Businesses in search of long-term strategic growth require an approach that prioritizes building awareness within target audiences and continual visibility in respected and credible places. This longstanding success is supported by public relations efforts and more specifically through earned media, which represents the exposure opportunities for a business that are unpaid and provided by an organic and trusted source–unlike paid media, or advertising

Earned media remains present in most of our everyday experiences, ranging from the long-time local newspaper delivered to our mailbox to the podcast we listen to on our commute to work. Earned media, in all the forms it may appear, is a direct platform for businesses to reach intended audiences and create or maintain trust within them. Businesses new or old, spanning finance, health care, technology, and more can use earned media strategies to impact growth.

When we first think of earned media, traditional media examples typically spring to mind such as newspaper, magazine and television, but today we are finding more earned media opportunities in the form of social media mentions, podcast interviews, user-generated content shared by loyal customers, business review websites like Yelp and Google My Business, influencer mentions, and even word-of-mouth.

If you are a business going at the earned media landscape alone, you may be unsure of where your messaging, goals, and target audiences fit in, or your efforts might not even be scratching the surface of the valuable earned media opportunities available to you.

Collaborating with trusted public relations agencies such as HMA Public Relations, provides your business with the guidance to develop a personalized communications strategy and identify comprehensive earned media opportunities for your business in order to deliver your message to the people and places it belongs.

Public relations agencies also help to illustrate the value of their efforts on your business by providing data and insights that back up the impact of your work. Through media monitoring, social listening, sentiment measurement, audience management and other processes, you can get a real-time glimpse at how your media is performing and your brand is perceived to stay on top of things. Public relations measurement tools can also pinpoint where you stack up against industry competitors to keep you informed on what’s happening.

Looking for a partner to assist your strategic growth and brand-building efforts? Contact HMA to learn how we can help your business take the first step.

Written by
at Jun 6, 2024

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