Ghosts of PR Past, Present and Future

The distribution of news releases was once the staple of media relations efforts. Times have changed, as fax machines, phone books and snail mail have either become extinct or less-than-desirable options.  In fact, while still a useful tool at times, news releases have a much narrower runway than they once did.

If “A Christmas Carol” author Charles “P.R.” Dickens were peering over his quill pen or typewriter, he might see this:

Ghost of Christmas Past:           Thumbing page-by-page through the FinderBinder to assemble a distribution list.  Assembling a series of documents and photos and inserting them into the press kit.  Stuffing envelopes with a news release and then affixing a postage stamp to each.  Making phone calls a couple days later for appropriate follow-up.

Ghost of Christmas Present:      A quick search of the easy-to-navigate online FinderBinder to update e-mail distribution list.  Ensure DropBox or other file-sharing link to photos and other supporting documents is correct.  Hit send to instantaneously distribute release sent in body copy of e-mail.  Post release to user-generated sites.

Ghost of Christmas Future:        Reporters gleefully receiving news releases or story pitches in the exact format they desire, to the exact contact point they prefer.  Reporters gladly interviewing clients for front page feature articles, magazine cover stories, opinion pieces and broadcast stories that appear in all hard-copy, over-the-air and online news outlets without hesitation.

At the very least, may all of your key messages be in the stockings of all of your targeted media as we hopefully embark on a kinder, gentler approach to communicating with one another.

Happy holidays.

Photo by Chad Madden on Unsplash

Written by
at Dec 23, 2022

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