#FunFactFriday – The Month of November

With November marking National Blog Posting Month, there is no better time to share some fun facts on the month in our latest #FunFactFriday post. Check them out!

  • The birth flower of November is the chrysanthemum, and the birth stone is topaz, which is known for its many variations of colors.
  • This month represents two zodiac signs, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Both signs are known for their intelligence, passion, quickness and appreciation for the finer things in life.
  • November has the days of quite a few things including National Candy Day on November 4th, American Football Day on November 5th, National Saxophone Day on November 6th, National Pickle Day on November 14th and National Cake Day on November 26th. Will you be celebrating any of these special days?
  • With beaver traps being set before wintertime in the colonial times, November’s full moon has traditionally been called the Beaver Moon.
  • This is the birth month of many notable figures in history including Marie Antoinette, Walter Cronkite, Marie Curie, Martin Scorsese, Billie Jean King, Jimi Hendrix, Winston Churchill and more.
  • While William Shakespeare has written 154 sonnets and 34 plays, he didn’t seem to be a fan of November as he never once mentioned the month of November in any of them.
  • November is the month that two of some of the most iconic toys were released: the board game Monopoly and the Easy-Bake Oven.
  • Movember is an annual event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men’s health issues. Will you be taking part?

As you can tell, November is a special month for many reasons. If you want to make this one special for your business, drop us a line!

Written by
at Nov 4, 2022

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