Author Archives: Autumn Jarrett

‘Tis the Season for Pumpkin Spice

‘Tis the Season for Pumpkin Spice

 |  Sep 27, 2019

The change of the season has Autumn thinking about pumpkin spice and everything nice. But how can you tell if your brand over-doing it? Read more about how seasonal marketing can affect your brand this fall.

Too young for business cards?

Too young for business cards?

 |  Sep 19, 2019

As an ambitious 6-year-old, Autumn was already trying to climb the career ladder. Business cards were the first step. Read more!

Mega-Influencers vs. Micro-Influencers

Mega-Influencers vs. Micro-Influencers

 |  Sep 3, 2019

What does it mean to have social media influence? Autumn breaks down the difference between mega-influencers and micro-influencers.

Use Your Heart

Use Your Heart

 |  Aug 29, 2019

I am someone who is always a sucker for a heartwarming story, so when I came across this story about Orlando International Airport surprising a mom who had just dropped her daughter off at her Disney internship, I couldn’t help but smile (and maybe get a little teary-eyed). It all started when Madi tweeted the […]

Brands and Politics Part Two

Brands and Politics Part Two

 |  Aug 14, 2019

As I did my usual stalking of PR Daily, the HMA blog, social media and the PRGN blog, I came across a similar topic on each one, brands and politics. Abbie tackled this topic a little over a year ago, but with recent events I thought it was just as relevant today. Last week, we […]

#FunFactFriday – On this day in history

#FunFactFriday – On this day in history

 |  Aug 9, 2019

For today’s #FunFactFriday we are going to take a short journey through history, so maybe I should have titled this #FlashbackFriday instead. Either way, I’m going to kick off this #FunFactFriday with a couple significant events that happened on this day (August 9) in history. On this day back in 1974, Gerald R. Ford became […]

When should a company rebrand?

When should a company rebrand?

 |  July 31, 2019

Over the past few years, we have seen brands like Dunkin’ Donuts become Dunkin’, Jamba Juice become Jamba and IHOP’s infamous temporary name change to IHOB (we all remember the social media uproar). These name changes pose the question of “When or why a company should rebrand?” Often times we see a brand wanting to […]

Future of Instagram

Future of Instagram

 |  July 23, 2019

As we all have probably heard by now Instagram is continuing to test hiding the “likes” from users in more markets around the world. This has everyone wondering what this might mean for those users who we call “Instafamous” or “Instagram models.” I always had professors throughout college who always said, “the amount of ‘likes’ […]

Creatures of Habit

Creatures of Habit

 |  July 16, 2019

As humans we are creatures of habits, some of us more than others. I like to think of myself as being spontaneous and eager to try new things, but I still have some habits or routines that I follow. For an example, when I stumble across a new food (usually desserts) I will become obsessed […]

The Final Test

The Final Test

 |  July 12, 2019

You’ve just graduated from college, you’ve taken your graduation trip to celebrate and now you are faced with the constant “what’s next?” question. For outsiders, finding a job once you graduate from college is sometimes considered to be easy. There is a lot of competition and more hoops to jump through to land your first […]

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