Associating Dogs With Products

Brands often associate themselves, either through community relations efforts or other less-subtle strategies and tactics, with causes connecting their company or brand culture to their customers’ values and interests.

Pets, specifically dogs, seem to distribute more than their own fair share of goodwill.

We have dog-friendly office environments, dog-friendly restaurants and parks just for dogs.  People love their dogs!

And marketers have been paying attention to this for some time.

It’s understandable that we see cute dogs in ads for dog food and other pet products.   It makes us feel warm and fuzzy when we see them associated with non-dog-related consumer products such as human breakfast cereal, cell phones, beer, shoes, credit cards, snack food, technology, new homes and cars, just to name a few.  Subaru may be the best at it.

There are dozens of dog-related non-profits in the Phoenix area that might grab consumers’ attention as part of the right organization’s community relations activities.  You can find many of them by clicking here.

For me, there are apparently a few things I must go out and purchase right away.

Photo courtesy of Subaru

Written by
at May 13, 2021

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