What Makes A Site Mobile-Friendly?

If you are interested in freshening up your website and introducing new content or features, it is imperative that your plans include making your site mobile-friendly for users. But, what is so important about being mobile-friendly and what distinguishes a mobile-friendly site from your desktop design?

According to a study, mobile generates about half of web traffic worldwide. This means about half of the users accessing your website will be doing it on a mobile device, making the mobile experience incredibly important.

When optimizing your website for mobile, there are a number of different features that will be a must, these include:

  • Shorter and less complicated drop-down menus that do not require the mobile user to scroll.
  • A search function.
  • Less copy. While you may have a lot of copy on your desktop site, try condensing it for mobile so there is less scrolling for the mobile user.
  • Clickable contact information like phone numbers, email addresses and social media sites that will successfully redirect to other apps on your phone.
  • Clear call-to-actions, these include read more, download now, find out more etc. These call-to-action buttons should be distinguishable in appearance and serve an important purpose for your site.
  • Easy fillable forms. If your website has a section that requires users to fill in information, try to be concise with your questions and make them easy to read. While forms may be simple to scroll through and complete on a desktop, the process on mobile can often become complicated.

Once your site is designed to browse on any mobile device, it is important to begin visiting your site regularly on a mobile device to make sure your formatting and copy appears correctly, your photos are high-quality, your buttons are clickable and any links in your content redirect to the right place. No one will know your site better than you, so the best way to monitor its functionality is to test it out yourself.

Interested in a new approach for your site? Let us know!

Written by
at May 20, 2022

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