What is Good Corporate Citizenship?
Being a good corporate citizen should be a part of every organization’s overall strategy. It starts at the top and isn’t something that should be approached in a haphazard way.
Among the considerations for community involvement of top company leaders should be:
Community Organizations – Business
These include chambers of commerce, economic development organizations and other organized business advocacy groups. Participating in the overall business and economic health of a community show a commitment to others who also have a vested interest in a market.
Community Organizations – Nonprofit
Every community has dozens of worthwhile organizations needing corporate support and guidance. Often these non-profits have direct or indirect connections to the business or have goals that align with the corporation’s overall mission. These should always be researched very well to determine the appropriate fit.
Industry Organizations
A clear demonstration of leadership is how involved the company is in its own industry. In addition to business and community organizations, there are typically industry organizations at both the local and national levels that should be evaluated for participation and support. Involvement can also often provide a competitive edge.
In most communities, there are a number of business and charitable events that should be considered for attending on behalf of the organization. These could include galas and other events such as golf tournaments, taste events, specialty dinners, etc., which directly connect to the organization’s outreach strategy or which have other connections to the company.
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