What is a Segment Sheet?

Over the past year, our team has been sharing some of the most oft-used tactics in our media relations toolbox. For example, we’ve decoded the news release, photo caption, story pitch, press conference, deskside media meeting, media advisory and informal media meeting.

Today, we tackle a classic tool in any PR pro’s toolbox: the segment sheet.

There are a few types of segment sheets.

First, there is a television station segment sheet. You see, when you pitch and secure a story with a television news program, there is specific data – ranging from parking instructions to available visuals to copy for web version of story – they need in a specific order to finalize and prepare for the segment. All stations have their own custom sheet, which is provided to PR folks like us to fill out and return. This can also be provided to the client or brand spokesperson to help them prepare for the interview.

There is often a similar segment sheet for radio interviews as well.

Then, there is the more informal “segment sheet.” These are the memos created in partnership with the media outlet – be it print, broadcast or online – that outline the general theme of the interview and provide talking points and additional data to both parties involved in the interview. It helps the interview to research and prepare, and it helps the interviewee better know what to expect.

For those who missed our other “toolbox” posts, you can access them below.
What is a story pitch?
What is a media advisory?
What is a news release?
What is a photo caption?
What is a deskside media tour?
What is a press conference?
What is an informal media meeting?

Written by
at Jan 10, 2019

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