The Psychology of Color

Colors can change the way people feel about certain products and brands, such as company logos, cover art, and advertisements. Not only can the colors you choose to market your brand give insight into what your brand represents, but the emotional response you get from certain colors can also be used in your favor to make your branding efforts more successful.

Color is important to consider when marketing your brand/products because people have different psychological reactions to certain colors, which form subconscious judgments about their environment and products. For example, think about Nordstrom’s color scheme versus Macy’s. Both are great outlets to shop at, however Nordstrom’s monochromatic, minimalist color scheme evokes a different feeling than Macy’s’ bright red logo and colorful themes.

Most Influential Colors for Marketing

Here are three common colors used in marketing:

  1. Red

Red is one of the most popular colors used in marketing because it’s bold, captures attention, and represents energy, excitement, and urgency. Think about open signs, clearance sale ads, and large franchises like Target, Jack-in-the-Box, or Coca-Cola. Although it’s the most eye-catching, red may not be the right option for your brand. If you are trying to sell high-end skincare products, for example, it may not attract the audience you’d like.

  1. Green

Green evokes feelings of harmony, relaxation, and loyalty. It also reminds people of nature, so it’s a popular color with sustainable/eco-friendly brands and brands that focus heavily on health and safety. Think Whole Foods, John Deere, and Spotify.

  1. Blue

Blue puts people at ease, reminding them of reliability, confidence, and security. Brands that want to build a sense of trust with their customers, such as finance and healthcare organizations, commonly use this color. Blue can also be associated with intelligence and communication, which is why many social platforms choose this color. Think Facebook, Twitter, Visa, PayPal, and Chase Bank.

Consider some of your favorite brands, the colors you associate with them, and how your perception of the brand could change if their logo was a different color. Now that you’ve read a little about the psychological effects of brand coloring, do you feel like certain brands evoke certain emotions in you? We’d love to know!

Written by
at Jan 13, 2023

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