#MediaMonday – Michelle Talsma

It has been a decade-plus for Michelle “Shelly” Talsma on the local (and national) media scene!

When we first profiled her, Shelly was editor of Go Gilbert! magazine, which has since gone out of print. In subsequent years, we’ve followed her trajectory as she took on roles with nearly a dozen outlets, both locally and nationally as a freelancer, here and here.

Today, we are proud to work with her in her role as editor of CITYSunTimes.

We sat down with her to catch up as well as to provide a look at everything she has cooking!

Shelly, tell us about CITYSunTimes and the stories you want?

The CITYSunTimes (CST) is a fun, niche monthly print publication that covers Scottsdale, North Phoenix, Carefree, Cave Creek, Fountain Hills and surrounding areas. It was established in 2002 and I’ve been the editor since last November.

While it’s a monthly, we’re really working on growing the paper’s digital efforts to share news between print issues. Many long-time readers and PR folks may not know that we post an average of 4-5 stories a day to our website. We also have an e-newsletter that sends these stories out via email that you can sign up for here. We also hope that locals find us on Facebook, LinkedIn and X.

As for stories, CST is unique in that we cover local news and information along with articles spotlighting local businesses, home, health and wellness, arts and entertainment, events and more. Basically, we’re all about what’s happening in readers’ backyards – what shows they’d like to see at the local theater, what businesses they want to shop at, new restaurants to dine at and fun events.

Tell us a little about the other outlets for which you are writing these days?

I exclusively write for CST in-state! A lot of my work also appears in our sister publication, Queen Creek Sun Times, which is an online publication that covers Queen Creek and the East Valley.

And what about after work? What are your favorite things to do?

I am a mom of a busy teen – who was a newborn when we first met! He is living his best life as a soon-to-be high school freshman who plays the bass. I’m his (literal) ride to all his adventures and I love it. Besides being a mom, I love socializing with friends, taking way too many selfies and social media.

Any local haunts you especially love that folks simply must try?

I really love Otro Café in Phoenix and The Gladly is delicious and worth every penny.

And what about any new TV or movies? Any recommendations?

As a mom to a teen, we honestly watch a lot of YouTube. I also consume probably way too much Tik Tok. I do love stand-up comedy on Netflix though!

What is the best email to reach you?

My email is mtalsma@orourkemediagroup.com and I always encourage locals to send story ideas to news@citysuntimes.com.

Written by
at Jun 24, 2024

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