#MediaMonday – Marc Stiles

It’s time for #MediaMonday! This weeks highlight comes from the our Public Relations Global Network Partner in Seattle, Fearey. Today’s #spotlight is on Marc Stiles, a veteran reporter at Puget Sound Business Journal who was covered in Fearey’s Meet The Media series.

Can you walk us through your typical process for researching and developing a story? How do you ensure accuracy and reliability in your reporting, especially when dealing with complex business topics?

I start by collaborating with one of our skilled editors. Together, we sift through facts, figures, voices, images, and infographics, all while mindful of looming deadlines. Unlike the daily hustle, we carve out time for in-depth exploration throughout the year, focusing on one major reporting project annually. Currently, our spotlight is on public safety.

Note: Pitching me around noon to 3 p.m. isn’t ideal, as I’m usually immersed in fact-checking or reaching out to sources.

As a senior reporter, you likely have insights into the intersection of policy and business. How do local regulations and government decisions impact the economic landscape of the area?

Delving into City Hall affairs is a highlight of my job, particularly because of its profound implications for the business realm. Take housing affordability, for instance—it’s a pressing issue where regulatory measures intersect with economic dynamics. Building more is imperative, yet obstacles persist, primarily from NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) homeowners.

In your experience covering the business landscape, what are some key trends or shifts as you’ve observed in the local economy over the past few years? How do you anticipate these trends evolving in the near future?

Hybrid work has emerged as a transformative force post-pandemic. We’ve shed the chains of daily commutes and embraced flexibility, with many opting for office attendance three or four days a week. Despite the benefits of in-person collaboration, office footprints are shrinking. Personally, I’m not sold on hot desks—seems they’re not everyone’s cup of tea.

Take a look at the full post here!

Written by
at Apr 29, 2024

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