#MediaMonday – Alison Stanton

Today’s #MediaMonday comes to us from a fellow Alison who spells her name correctly (aka with one “l” because it is AL-i-son not ALL-i-son): Alison Stanton.

I tried to remember how we first met, and I feel like it must have been in 2005 or so. I remember working on a few stories together for The Arizona Republic (a publication for which she still writes) and then eventually meeting in person at Chandler Fashion Center Mall a couple of years later. That day she brought along her youngest son Dylan, who was about 2 at the time. Recently she told me that Dylan is now a freshman in high school and is around 6 feet tall. Mind = blown.

So, Alison, time to share:

First, can you list a sampling of the media outlets for which you write and topics you cover?
Sure! I currently write for the Arizona Republic’s Travel section—I do lots of briefs and stories about upcoming events. I also write feature stories and business profiles for a number of the Times Media Group’s publications, including The Glendale Star, Peoria Times, Lovin’ Life After 50 and others. I do some feature stories for Chandler Lifestyle Magazine, and I write articles about issues facing teenagers for the Teen Strong website. I also am a writer and manager at a press release writing/distributing company called PRM Wire and I write press releases for a number of charter schools around the Valley and state. There’s more, but that gives you a pretty good idea of what I’m up to.

Tell us about growing up? What were your passions? 
I grew up in Eugene, Ore., and am a proud graduate of The University of Oregon (Go Ducks!). I have always loved animals and wanted to be a veterinarian when I was younger, and I also loved gardening/being outside, reading and creative writing. Nancy Drew was a major role model of mine—actually, she still is!

Tell us how you got your start in journalism?
True fact: I did not go to journalism school. I graduated with a degree in psychology but have always liked to write and lord knows you can’t get through high school and/or college without doing tons of writing. When my oldest son Nick was a baby I wanted to find ways to work from home, so I started writing articles for a vitamin company based in Fountain Hills. Over the years the writing business has grown and, thanks to referrals for which I’m very grateful, I currently work for a nice assortment of clients. By the way, Nick is now 22 years old.

Favorite type of music?
If you are in my car with me, chances are good you’ll hear a Vince Guaraldi soundtrack from a Charlie Brown TV show—I will listen to A Charlie Brown Christmas all year long. I also love jazz and classical and my husband Colin teases me that I’m the only person on earth under the age of 80 who likes the “40’s Junction” station on XM radio. I also listen to whatever my boys want to play for me so I can attempt to stay topical and cool as a mom.

Favorite color?
Easy – blue.

Favorite TV shows or movies?
I have seen the movie “Raising Arizona” with my husband, Colin, more times than I can count and can practically recite the whole thing. For shows, I have really enjoyed watching a number of Netflix series shows with my son Nick, including “You” and “The Haunting of Hill House.” My son Dylan loves the Bon Appetit Test Kitchen channel on YouTube so we watch that together, along with many other YouTube videos. My favorite network show is “Bob’s Burgers” and I also enjoy kicking back with old episodes on DVD of “The Odd Couple,” “Seinfeld” and “The Brady Bunch.”

Any foods you hate?
Yes, also easy. Maraschino cherries.

Best email:Alison@stantonarizona.com

Written by
at May 11, 2020

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