Lessons learned from a semester of teaching

I just wrapped up my second semester of teaching social media for small business at Phoenix College.  The business department wanted to have an intro class, so I developed a 14-week curriculum that included four guest speakers, an online quiz, hands-on learning, reading assignments, writing assignments and an oral presentation. Oh, and they had to create a social media plan for a small business they hoped to one day start.

A special thanks to the professionals that gave up a Wednesday evening to impart knowledge on my students – Ilana Lowery from Common Sense Media, Eric Olsen from Fasturtle, Adrian McIntyre from Valley Business RadioX and Ashley Richards from E Squared Marketing.
And as I was teaching these students about social media, I learned a few things along the way as well:

  1. In spite of all the prep work you do in advance, you’re likely going to have to adjust your presentation for some unplanned situation – technology doesn’t work, students can’t make it to class because their kid has a dance recital or you are running late because there was an accident on the way to class.
  2. You can talk and talk about something, but until you experience it for yourself, you’ll never fully appreciate it.
  3. Everyone learns in different ways. This was a hybrid class, meaning in-class time as well as out-of-class/online time was required.
  4. No one likes to do oral presentations, but the more you do it the more comfortable you’ll become.
  5. Provide lots of opportunities for success (earn grades). Even attendance points could be the difference between passing and failing.  Sometimes being present in the moment may be enough.

The email came earlier this week from the program chair asking all the adjunct teachers to confirm if they will be coming back next semester.  I said I would – already reserved Wednesday evenings on my calendar.

Written by
at Dec 12, 2019

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