How to kickstart diversity in the workplace

As employers continue to navigate diversity and inclusion in the workplace, some may be finding that it isn’t a change that can happen overnight.

PR Daily offered five tips for eliminating roadblocks when it comes to diversity and inclusion. Below are five tips they recommend for stepping up our own accountability and advocating for change.

Budget for action

While awareness of the importance of diversity and inclusion is rising, many employers are also feeling the financial impact of COVID-19 and are finding it difficult to budget for implementing these programs. A good place to start is by planning a budget that allows you to strategically implement initiatives over the next several months.

Push transparency

If you want to encourage diverse talent to apply for jobs at your firm, the best way is to be transparent about your organization and your hiring approach. This makes your organization – and the executives who run your leadership team – more approachable and comfortable in the eyes of a potential minority candidate.

Counter fear

If your current team feels nervous about implementing new diversity and inclusion practices, make sure to counter those feelings by being vulnerable. If the CEO openly addresses his or her own blind spots and unconscious biases, other coworkers may feel more comfortable embracing the conversation.

Factor in fun

Make sure to market diversity and inclusion trainings positively to your staff. Nobody gets excited about sitting through an hour-long mandatory training, but a professional development cocktail hour has a nice ring to it. If these are fun for your team, they will be more excited to embrace the change.

Be human

At the end of the day, everyone is human. It may be difficult and uncomfortable for some members of your team to address their own blind spots. Make sure to have open and honest conversations with your colleagues to address their feelings, and explain that this only helps to create an even more comfortable space for every member of the team.

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels
Written by
at Aug 13, 2020

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