In Brands We Trust
Photo by Anthony Rosset on Unsplash
Each year, Edelman, a global communications firm, publishes the Trust Barometer Special Report. You can download it here.
A pretty consistent theme for the study validates a similar theme…that brand trust is essential to buying. That shouldn’t really surprise anyone. But this year’s report shows that as the role of brands in our lives and society has expanded, people’s expectations for brands have evolved. Not only do brands have to be reliable and provide a high-quality customer experience, but because of things such as data breaches and privacy issues, brands today have even more reason to act responsibly.
From the study:
- A major consideration for brand purchase is now “I must be able to trust the brand to do what is right,” at 81 percent.
- More than 70 percent link purchase to considerations that historically were tied to trust in corporations, including supply chain, reputation, values, environmental impact and customer before profit.
- 53 percent of consumers agree that every brand has a responsibility to get involved in at least one social issue that does not directly impact its business.
We’ve talked about the last bullet point before. Studies have shown that consumers think it is important for brands to use their influence to help shape social and political discussions.
To earn the highest levels of consumer trust, brands must back up their brand promise with action. Consumers know that brands have the power to effect real change, and they will place their trust in brands that use that power on their behalf.