How Brands Can Stand Out on TikTok

With more than 1 billion users on the app, TikTok’s concise content has opened a world of possibilities for brands and businesses that are seeking new audiences and increased brand awareness. But TikTok popularity doesn’t always happen overnight and knowing the ins and outs of marketing on the app is essential.

High-Quality Content

Simply creating TikTok videos will not always yield success. With the app known for its innovative content and one-of-a-kind creators, if you wish to perform well organically and stand out on the For You Page, you will need good content. Some examples of types of videos that do well on the platform are before and after transformations, calming videos and tutorials. Try experimenting with these types of videos and see which one works best for your brand.

Partnerships Matter

Advertising on TikTok can give your brand the desired results, but the greatest potential for brand success on the platform is through influencer partnerships. Influencers on the app have created loyal communities that trust the creator and the products that they endorse, this can amplify your voice more than just a standard app. However, with TikTok serving as an incredibly successful tool for brands and businesses today, an influencer campaign with the most popular creators will not be cheap. If you are new to influencers, start with microinfluencers – though their follower count isn’t the biggest on the platform, their audiences are true-blue.

Make a Plan

As with all other brand communication, a set strategy is needed prior to beginning your TikTok campaign. This is where you will identify your campaign’s messaging, targeted audience, goals, budget, hashtags, content and more.

Need help crafting your social media plan? Contact us!

Written by
at Mar 3, 2022

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