Happy 32nd Anniversary Marty Manning
Yesterday, Bre and I were at iheartradio for a radio interview scheduled with Marty Manning with one of our clients, The Arizona Commission for the
Deaf and the Hard of Hearing, to discuss Better Hearing and Speech Month and Mental Health Month.
While there Marty mentioned that he had just celebrated his 32nd anniversary working on Beth and Friends on KEZ 99.9. And we talked about the fact that I featured Marty in a blog post two years ago on his 30th anniversary. But when discussing this anniversary, Marty also mentioned that 32 years is a “non-important” anniversary, so it was pretty uneventful.
Which is why I am writing this blog post!
I think 32 years is a big deal. it is approximately the same amount of time that Scott and Abbie have each been in the public relations industry, it is longer than both Bre and Sara have been alive and is the exact number of years that Alison and I combined have been out of college and in our careers.
32 is a big deal!
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]Please join HMA Public Relations in saying Happy 32nd Anniversary Mr. Marty Manning! @999KEZ @BethandFriends @iHeartRadio[/inlinetweet]