The Great Debate: Early Bird or Night Owl?
Another night owl who might want to consider a few days as an early bird, based on that yawn! (Photo by Abdelrahman Hassanein on Unsplash)
A few years ago, I wrote a post titled “A.M. All Star or P.M. Powerhouse?”
Back then, I wrote it because I honestly had no idea how several of my co-workers Woke. Up. So. Early.
All of the time.
Even on weekends!
If you check it out above, the post both softly begs them to consider meetings after 8 a.m., and also shares a study that both types of people “work” in the workplace.
Since writing it, we’ve added Jennifer (A.M. All-Star who is often in the office by 7 a.m.), Grace (P.M. Powerhouse) and Kelsey (P.M. Powerhouse that has to be an A.M. All-Star given she has two children under five).
But here is the thing… I now find myself up at 5:30 a.m. almost daily for no reason, sometimes even excited for those 8 a.m. meetings. And, I keep finding myself in bed by 9 p.m. on most weekdays. What is happening? Is this P.M. Powerhouse losing her powers? Maybe getting new A.M.-focused ones?
Anyone else seeing a change in themselves and their work habits?
Any other former P.M. Powerhouses moving to the “dark side” more and more each day?
By the way – they still both “work” in the workplace, often based on your body clock’s daily rhythm. Here is an amazing new study on “what to do when” based on a general body clock, whether an early bird, night owl or combination of both.