Is it a Facebook hoax?
I’ve seen it. You probably have too. A post on Facebook claiming that Facebook’s algorithms are now limiting your news feed to 25 friends.
It’s a hoax.
No need to copy and paste, repost it or comment on the friend’s post to open up your feed.
But there is a need to make sure we are not perpetuating false information, which I wrote about recently. It’s news literacy and it’s our own, individual responsibility.
Simply trusting everything that your friends are posting is how hoaxes and fake news are so easily spread on social media.
In an Arizona Republic column, the Data Doctor Ken Colburn offered this advice:
“One quick way to research anything that’s been posted is to either copy the headline or the first paragraph of the post and use it as a Google search. You’ll likely get a large number of sites with information about its validity if it’s a real story and lots of sites debunking it if it’s a hoax…… If you can’t verify information, it’s better not to repost it.”
But, feel free to repost this.