Arizona Association for Economic Development to Host Legislative Luncheon on Cap

The Arizona Association for Economic Development (AAED) will host its annual legislative luncheon on Thursday, Jan. 24 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the Senate Lawn of the Arizona State Capitol grounds located at 1700 W. Washington St. in Phoenix.

AAED will be discussing initiatives that will enhance Arizona’s competitive position in attracting and retaining high wage jobs.

The cost of the luncheon is $50.  To register or for more information, call AAED at (602) 240-AAED (2233), or visit  The registration deadline is Tuesday, January 22.

AAED was originally founded in 1974 as the Arizona Association for Industrial Development (AAID).  The organization, which was dedicated to expanding the industrial and economic base of Arizona, changed to its current name in 1991 to better reflect its broader mission.

The strategic vision of AAED is to be the leading advocate of responsible economic development for all of Arizona by leading the facilitation of public/private cooperation and fostering teamwork to address the growth and quality of life issues that face Arizona.  For more information on AAED, visit or call (602) 240-2233.


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Written by
at Oct 30, 2014

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