Author Archives: HMA Public Relations

#MediaMonday – All About EVB Live

 |  Aug 8, 2011

#MediaMonday – EVB Live Edition In case you were unaware, EVB Live – which stands for East Van Buren, where the show takes place – premiered last week on Channel 12. It’s a new news show with a twist. Hosts Tram Mai, Scott Light and Caribe Devine sit news desk-less on a casual, modern set […]


#MediaMonday – Rebekah Sanders

 |  May 9, 2011

Go West, Young Man! Or, at least spend this Media Monday getting to know Rebekah Sanders, a fabulous reporter in the Arizona Republic’s West Valley office. As you can imagine, from the Coyotes to the Fiesta Bowl, she has had a lot on her plate thus far in 2011. If you are new to the […]


Book Report Alert!

 |  May 6, 2011

HMA Public Relations recently played host to one of the Humphrey Fellows at the Cronkite School at ASU – Mohammed Alauddin. He was nice enough to offer up a guest book report blog for us!   Take it away, Alauddin!   There are few books that I actually enjoy reading but Robert L. Dilenschneider’s Power and Influence is one […]


“What is…” Wednesday – What is Public Relations? Gary McCormick’s Take

 |  Jan 19, 2011

Have you ever been asked, “What do you do,” only to get a blank stare when you reply, “Public Relations?” We sure have! And here is why – we do a lot, and many of us do it differently. While we can all define public relations for people based on our old journalism textbooks or […]


Book Club!

 |  Dec 29, 2009

Are you a trust agent? So the time came once again for me to be the “reader” for the next HMA Public Relations book club. Lots of positive chatter on Twitter about Trust Agents by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith. I figured I’d give it a try. And with a couple hours to kill on […]


Book Club – Alison’s Turn

 |  Oct 12, 2009

Carving out advice from Carve Your Own Road The tagline of this book, “Do what you love and live the life you envision,” first had me worried it was a book on Scientology. But, when the first sentence of the book talked about one of the author’s aversion to camping over luxuriating in five-star hotels, […]


Thinking outside the box – and this universe

 |  Aug 26, 2009

After many attempts to get the HMA team together for a length of time long enough for me to present my book report, we finally succeeded! This month’s selection was the second edition of Thinkertoys, by Michael Michalko. I came across a recommendation for the book via someone’s review on Twitter, so I was intrigued […]


Book Review – Perfect Pitch

 |  June 30, 2009

I sent out a request a few weeks back on twitter looking for suggestions for the next HMA book club. Several responded, and I selected Perfect Pitch by Jon Steel. One, because it talked about winning new business, which right now all of us in the professional services world are interested in, but also because […]


Harvey and I have a lot in common…

 |  Jan 23, 2008

I subscribe to Harvey Mackay’s online newsletter, I have for about a year now. I’m a big fan of his business books and his weekly column in the Arizona Republic. What a pleasant surprise that his column this past week was on going from low tech to high tech. He and I have a lot […]

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