“Regional Systems Of High Quality Career Pathways” To Be Topic At AAED’s September Luncheon
(TUCSON – August 23, 2017) – “Regional Systems of High Quality Career Pathways” will be the topic at the Arizona Association for Economic Development (AAED)’s next Southern Arizona luncheon, Wednesday, Sept. 27 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. at the Arizona Inn, located at 2200 E. Elm St., in Tucson.
Aaron Ball, Ed.D., director of College and Career Pathways at the Center for the Future of Arizona, will be the speaker.
He will discuss how Pathways to Prosperity brings together for students early career literacy, the integration of high school and post-secondary education and work-based learning opportunities in order to create successful career paths. Ball will also share insight into how the pathways enable students to explore the world of work and connect to their future careers by providing the skills, experiences and credentials necessary in today’s economy.
The cost of the luncheon is $45 for AAED members, $65 for non-members and $75 for late registrants. To register, visit www.aaed.com/event/sept27.
The registration deadline is Thursday, Sept. 21 by noon. Vegetarian meals must be requested in advance. For more information, call AAED at (602) 240-AAED (2233), or visit www.aaed.com.
AAED, founded in 1974, has a mission to serve as Arizona’s unified voice advocating for responsible economic development through an effective program of professional education, public policy, and collaboration.