Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?

Does anybody really know what time it is (I don’t)
Does anybody really care (care about time)

I do.

Taking a little bit of liberty with the 1969 Chicago song, I’ve been thinking a lot about time lately.  How much more time I seem to have, how little time there still is to get things and how am I spending my time.

Although we are working remotely, my workday is busier than ever.  Without the need to jump in the car to get to a meeting, I find I’m scheduling more things back-to-back. The stress of getting stuck in traffic has been replaced with the stress of an unstable internet connection.

But added to the busy schedule of the workday, are other opportunities that come along with this remote environment.  I’ve participated in more professional development workshops than I would have had the chance to do, I’ve joined another book club and I’ve made time to “have” coffee with friends in Raleigh, Indianapolis and Chicago.  Sunday night dinner with the family now means my sister can be a part of it because we can jump online at the dinner table.

The pandemic has given me the time to take a step back and reevaluate how I’m filling my days.  I certainly miss the in-person connections and opportunities to hang out with friends.  But technology has made it easier to stay in touch.

And now, I must Zoom into another meeting.

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash
Written by
at Aug 27, 2020

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