Arizona Association for Economic Development Announces New Officers and Board Members

The Arizona Association for Economic Development (AAED) has announced its new officers and new board members for 2014-2015. 

Danielle Casey, CEcD, EDFP, economic development director for the city of Scottsdale, has been elected president. Serving with her on the executive committee will be Julie Engel, CEcD, president and CEO, Greater Yuma Economic Development Corp., president-elect; Jennifer Graves, CEcD, business retention and expansion administrator for the town of Gilbert, vice president; Curt Woody, economic development/strategic initiatives director, town of Marana, secretary/treasurer; and Eric Larson, director of acquisitions for AVB Development, immediate past-president.

Newly-elected and appointed AAED board members include: Bennett Bratley, Mohave County, Susan Hyatt, city of Phoenix, Michelle Kelly, DIRTT Environmental Solutions, Caryn Sanchez, Salt River Project, Sheila Shedd, Arizona Commerce Authority, and Jacqui Sabo, Goodmans Interior Structures.

AAED, founded in 1974, has a mission to serve as Arizona’s unified voice advocating for responsible economic development through an effective program of professional education, public policy, and collaboration.    

For more information on AAED, visit or call (602) 240-2233.

Written by
at Oct 30, 2014

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