When working from home means someone else’s home

The temperatures in Phoenix are still in the 100s. The air conditioning has been running non-stop for months, with no change in the foreseeable future.  And I’m still working from home.  But do I need to be working from MY home?

Have hot spot will travel.

My sister lives in Southern California, where temperatures are a delightful 80 degrees and you can fall asleep with the windows open.  So that is my current work-from-home destination.  Sitting at my sister’s dining room table.

I packed my (brand new) suitcases with my favorite at-home work attire, some shorts and bathing suits, made sure I had my coffeemaker (Sandy doesn’t drink coffee) and some toys for Hildy and of course, my laptop, hot spot and my files, and here we are.

When we started working from home back in March, it was important to me that I create a routine that fit this new environment.  I get up early to walk the dog and make sure I am at my desk at the start of each workday.  The days are busy with meetings and such and having this routine keeps me on track.

The routine here at my California office is in place with a few additions.  I’m still getting up early to walk the dog and am at the computer by 8:30. But now, with Sandy working from home as well, I hear the voices of her 6th graders doing virtual PE in the background.  I’m planning my day so she and I can take a break at the same time to have lunch together.  And Hildy and I now have company on our afternoon walks when Sandy and her dog, Modella, join us for a stroll. Not to mention having good old fashion sister-bonding time, something I truly treasure.

Working from home is not without its challenges, but the ability to work from anyone’s home is a definite perk.

Written by
at Sep 4, 2020

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